# Chart styles : View style

This page gives access to the overall style of the view

# Show

Allows the user to switch on or off the following:

  • Legend - the legend displayed on the right of the chart
  • Border - the border around the graph area
  • Grid lines - the grid lines in the graph area
  • Axes - the axes on the abscissa and ordinate
  • Symbols - the symbols on the individual curves

# Height and width

This controls the height allowed for the header (at the top of the view) and the width of the legend (on the right). The chart area can be selected to exclude the width of the legend panel (default) so that the legend is not obscure by the curves.

# Title, sub-title and note

These are title and sub-title displayed in the header of the chart and the note is displayed at the foot of the legend.

# Bar width

For a bar graph this defines the width of the individual bars

# Cursor tooltip

By default no tooltip is display, but there are options to display a tooltip within the graph area. The options are

  • Coordinates at cursor - the tooltip display the abscissa and ordinate values for the current cursor position
  • Curve values at abscissa - the tooltip displays the values of all curves for the current abscissa position. This may not be useful where there are a large number of curves on the chart.
  • Coordinate of nearest point - the tooltip display the coordinate of the nearest point on any of the displayed curves.