# Member : Miscellaneous

Where a member may have offsets these are defined here.

Members also support Automatic axial offset. This option, when checked, applies offsets automatically based on the geometry of the member, and that of the member(s) that connect to it. Automatic offsets are only applied when the member has an I, rectangular, or a circular section profile. The value of the offset is set to half the section depth (or width, as applicable) of the connecting member section when the connecting angle is 90° (allowing for a tolerance).

# Definition

# Time line & exposure

The member can be assigned timing information. This includes the time the member is created and removed (a removal time of zero means it is not removed). For concrete members there is also the option to specify the start of drying ad the age at which it is loaded. The exposed faces can also be specified.

# Fire resistance

The required fire resistance can be specified as 30 , 60, 90 , 120, 180 or 240 minutes.

# Offsets for transfer to elements

Allows offsets to be specified at the nodes. Offsets are in local axis directions. Two kinds of offset are defined

  • Axial offsets – which are in the axial direction towards the centre of the member, and
  • Transverse offsets – which apply to the member as a whole.

Automatic axial offsets will apply an offset to the end of a beam based on the shape and dimensions of the column to which it is attached.

# Dummy member

This is a member which is defined, but does not participate in the design process.