# RC Column Layouts

The RC column layouts specify the parameters which control the placing of bars in a column. In GSA there is a distinction between a layout which offers parameters to determine an arrangement which is a specific set of bars at given positions. The design of an RC column will replace the current reinforcement in a section with a new arrangement that is selected based on the parameters specified for the layout.

# Definition


Layouts have a name to make it easier to identify a particular layout.

Rebar Material

Only a single reinforcement material can be assigned to a layout.

Circular/Elliptical or Rectangular

The placing of bars in a column is different for a circular or elliptical column when the bars are in rings, from a rectangular column where placing is based on a set of predefined arrangements.

Bar Details

The bar sizes that can be considered for in order in which the bars will be checked, so if the preference is for larger bars these should come at the start of the list. Either a number of rings is specified or a set of arrangements.

Links and Cover

The positioning of the bars is constrained by the cover and links.