# Soil rectangular loads

Normally in a raft analysis the load on the soil is from the structure, but additional soil loads can be specified. These act in addition to the raft loading.

# Definition


This is just used to make it easier to identify a soil load

**Loading plane orientation **

The orientation of the loading plane. A load in the vertical plane and no rotation angle is in the XZ plane.

Angle of local x from global X

Define the rotation angle of the load about the global z axis.

Centre of loaded area

The coordinates of the centre of the rectangular loading area (x, y, & z in global axis).

Width x

The width of the area in local x.

Length y

The length of the area in local y.

Load values in normal and tangent directions

  • Normal load in local z direction.
  • Tangent load in local x direction
  • Tangent load in local y direction

Note that the soil loads follow the PDisp convention:

Loading plane orientation Angle of local x from global x Global direction of local z load (normal) Global direction of local x load (tangential) Global direction of local y load (tangential)
Horizontal plane 0 -Z X Y
Vertical plane 0 -Y X -Z
Vertical plane 90 X Y -Z