# Stage properties

Stage properties are used to specify element properties for analysis stages where these are to differ from the whole model element properties. The table maps from the element property number, to a property number to be used inn the analysis stage. Properties not referenced in the analysis stage properties retain the element property reference.

# Definition


The analysis stage for which the properties are to be adjusted.


The type of property, whether Beam Section, 2D Element Property, etc.

Element property

The property number as given in the Elements table. I.e. the whole model element property number.

Element stage property

The property to be mapped for this stage.


Stage no. Type Element property no. Property record
1 Beam Section 2 15

Elements that have beam section properties (i.e. beams, bars etc.) that have property number 2 in the elements module (i.e. have beam section 2 properties in the whole model) are to have beam section 15 properties in analysis stage 1.