# Export : Input data

The input data can be exported as a GWA file – the GSA ASCII file format. This file can contain all the input data for the model in a tab separated file. Each record starts with a keyword which defines the content of the record. The option is given to export data in either SI or model units.

Three different file extensions can be used:

  • GWA - this is used as a means of transferring data from GSA in one version or on one machine to another. These files are tab separated and country independent.
  • TXT - this is used to transfer data from GSA to other programs such as spreadsheets. These files are tab separated and the decimal point is determined from the Windows regional settings. So for example in the UK the decimal point will be a "." but in France this would be a ",".
  • CSV - this is similar to the TXT option and is normally used to transfer data from GSA to other programs such as spreadsheets. These files use the list separator and the decimal point as determined from the Windows regional settings. So for example in the UK the decimal point and list separator would be a "." and "," respectively but in France these would be a "," and ";" respectively.