# Export : OpenSees

The model data can be exported to an OpenSees (opens new window) TCL file.

# Export

The user can select:

  • Which analysis stage should be exported.
  • Which case loads ere exported in.
  • To export bars as OpenSees trusses or corotational trusses.
  • To export steel and concrete beams (as separate choices) as OpenSees elastic, nonlinear or displacement beam columns.
  • To export section properties or section shapes.

# Restrictions

The following restrictions apply:

  • Spacer elements not exported.
  • Spring elements in non-global directions are approximate. The spring is assumed to act in the closest global direction.
  • In spring elements non-axial/torsional effects are ignored.
  • No distinction is made between applied displacements and settlements.
  • The axis is ignored for applied displacements.
  • Beam loads in user axes are transferred in global axes.
  • Face load axes are ignored and pressure assumed normal to surface.
  • Edge loads on 2D elements are ignored.
  • Prestress and in-plane loads are converted to equivalent thermal loads.