# Units in the model

Each GSA model has a set of units associated with it. These units are saved along with the data in the GSA file. So when an existing model is opened the default model units will be those saved with the model. When a new model is created the units used for that model are determined by looking at the users preferred units. The base units for a model are changed in the Units specification. This is accessed either from the Units specification. This gives the Units dialog, which allows the user to change the units individually or for standard unit sets to be selected. The standard unit sets are summarised in the table below:

unit set SI kN-m kip-ft kip-in
force N kN kip kip
length m m ft in
mass kg t slug slug
time s s s s
temperature K °C °F °F
displacement m mm in in
stress Pa N/mm² kip/in² kip/in²
ground acceleration m/s² m/s² ft/s² ft/s²

Setting the preferred units has no effect on the current model units.