Fabric Material
A fabric material is a variant on an orthotropic material but only exists for the 2D case.
C=⎣⎢⎡cxxxxsymmcxxyycyyyy00cxyxy⎦⎥⎤ As wth an orthotropic material it is easier to define the inverse of the constitutive relationship
ϵ=C−1σ where C−1 is the compliance matrix. Fabric orthotropic behaviour is governed by four independent elastic constants: two elastic moduli, a Poisson's ratios and a shear modulus. These are
E~x – the elastic modulus in the warp direction per unit width
E~y – the elastic modulus in the fill (weft) direction per unit width
νxy – the Poissons ratio in the warp-fill direction
G~xy – the shear modulus in the warp-fill direction per unit width
The further (dependent) Poisson's ratio is defined through the relationship
νyxE~x=νxyE~y These material properties are defined relative to a material principal directions m giving a compliance matrix Cm−1.
Cm−1=⎣⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎡E~x1−E~xνxy0−E~yνyxE~y1000G~xy1⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎤ A stable material must satisfy the following conditions
E~x,E~y,G~xy>0 (1−νxyνyx)>0 Using these relationships leads to the following conditions which apply to the Poisson's ratios