Ritz Analysis
Often the use of modal analysis requires a large number of modes to be
calculated in order to capture the dynamic characteristics of the
structure. This is particularly the case when the horizontal and
vertical stiffnesses of the structure are significantly different (while
the mass is the same). One way to circumvent this problem is to use Ritz
(or Rayleigh-Ritz) analysis which yield approximate eigenvalues. While
these are approximate they have some useful characteristics.
The eigenvalues (natural frequencies) are upper bounds to the true
The mode shapes are linear combinations of the exact eigenvectors
The number of Ritz vectors required to capture the dynamic
characteristics of the structure is usually significantly less that that
required for a proper eigenvalue analysis.
Ritz analysis method
A set of trial vectors based initially on gravity loads in each of the
x, y and z directions. The subsequent trial vectors are created from these
with the condition that they are orthogonal to the previous vectors. The
assumption is that we can get approximations to the eigenvectors by
taking a linear combination of the trial vectors.
So for trial vectors
Xm=[x1x2x3⋯xm] Let
ϕ=Xms=i=1∑mxisi and if the approximation to the eigenvalue is λ, the residual
associated with the approximating pair {λ,ϕ}
is given by
r=Kφ−ΛMφ The Rayleigh-Ritz method requires the residual vector be orthogonal to
each of the trial vectors, so
XmTr=XmTKϕ−λXmTMϕ=0 Substituting for ϕ from above gives
XmTKXms−λXmTMXms=0 or
Kms−λMms=0 with
Km=XmTKXm Mm=XmTMXm This eigenproblem is then solved for the eigenpairs
{λ,s} and then the approximate
eigenvectors are evaluated from
ϕ=Xms=i=1∑mxisi Ritz trial vectors
The algorithm as applied in a single direction is as follows:
Create a load vector f corresponding to a gravity load in the
direction of interest
Solve for first vector
KX1∗=fX1TMX1=1solve fornormalizeX1∗M Solve for additional vectors
KXi∗=MXi−1cj=XjTMXi∗Xi=Xi∗−∑j=1i−1cjXjXmTMXm=1solve for fororthogonalizenormalizeX1∗j=1,…,i−1MM