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Periodic load analysis wizard

This page defines the analysis parameters for periodic load analysis. If no modal dynamic analysis results are present, this option is disabled and this page cannot be opened.


Modal Analysis Task

If more than one set of modal dynamic analysis results exists then GSA needs to know which set of results is to be used. If only one modal dynamic analysis task is available, it will be used by the analysis.

Load Description

This defines the magnitude and spatial distribution of the periodic loads, the syntax of the description of the loads is the same as that for other analyses, e.g. 1.4L1+1.6L2

Dynamic Load Factor

This defines the dynamic load factor curves to be used for this analysis. Dynamic load factor curves are defined in Dynamic load factor table.

Excitation Frequencies

This defines the range of the periodic load frequencies to be considered in the analysis as well as the increment of the periodic load frequency. Smaller increment of the frequencies will give more accurate results, but will result in a longer analysis time and vice versa.