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Lists and Embedded Lists

Lists can be defined directly in the List table and then referred to in other tables where a list is required. In the List table the user must define the list type and give the list a name. The name can then be used to identify the list.

Embedded lists are lists included as part of another data record (e.g. the constraint and load records). In this case the type of list can be inferred from the context and the name of the list is not required, so only the list definition is required.

A list can be defined for the following entities:

  • Node
  • Element
  • Member
  • Case
  • Polyline
  • undefined

List Definition

The definition of a list uses a set of rules so that a list can be defined in a clear and unambiguous manner. The vocabulary used is case insensitive and consists of:

  • n – item number by default node/element/member/case depending on the list type
  • to – to specify a range
  • not – to specify exclusions
  • step – to specify the granularity of a range
  • all – to specify all
  • none – to specify none
  • and – to specify items that match both of two conditions
  • or – to specify items that match one of two conditions (implied if omitted)
  • () – to clarify the order in which expressions are evaluated
  • #*n* – to include list number “n” in a list

Alternatively a list can refer to another list by name. In this case the list name is enclosed in quotes:

  • "name" – to include the list named “name” in a list

An element list can refer to a grid surface by name (enclosed by quotes). This specifies all elements included in the grid surface.

Note: The items in a list should be separated by one or more spaces except where there is a parenthesis to separate items. Lists should not be self-referential as either direct or indirect self-referencing will result in interpretation errors. A set or list that is undefined or of the wrong type is interpreted as blank.

The following letters are used as prefixes in node lists, element lists, member lists, case lists and geometry based lists.

Node lists

Nn or nnode n (The N prefix is optional)
PS(n)nodes of spring property n
PM(n)nodes of mass property n
PD(n)nodes of damper property n
Xnnodes on global X line through node n (see geometry based lists)
Ynditto for Y (see geometry based lists)
Znditto for Z (see geometry based lists)
XYnnodes on global XY plane passing through node n (see geometry based lists)
YZnditto for YZ (see geometry based lists)
ZXnditto for ZX (see geometry based lists)

The symbol * may be used in place of a node number to refer to the highest numbered node.

An example of a valid member list is 1 11 to 72 step 2 not (XY3 31 to 45)

Saved lists may be referred to by:\ #n where n is the number of the saved list\ or\ "name" where name is the name of the saved list (note the enclosing double quotes).

Element lists

En or nelement n (the E prefix is optional)
Gnelements of group n
Pnelements of property n - identifies elements that reference the specified property, ignoring stage properties (typical)
PB(n)elements of beam property n
PS(n)elements of spring property n
PA(n)elements of 2D property n (area)
PV(n)elements of 3D property n (volume)
PL(n)elements of link property n
PR(n)elements of rigid property n
PG(n)elements of spacer property n (geodesic)
PC(n)elements of cable property n (chain)
PD(n)elements of damper property n
DCS(n)elements of RC slab design property n
Mnelements of analysis material n
MS(n)elements of steel grade n
MC(n)elements of concrete grade n
MP(n)elements of FRP grade n
DMR(n)elements of reinforcement grade n
DUMMY – dummy elements
Xnelements on global X line through node n (see geometry based lists)
Ynditto for Y (see geometry based lists)
Znditto for Z (see geometry based lists)
XYnelements on global XY plane passing through node n (see geometry based lists)
YZnditto for YZ (see geometry based lists)
ZXnditto for ZX (see geometry based lists)

The symbol * may be used in place of an element or property number to refer to the highest numbered element or property.

An example of a valid member list is 1 11 to 20 step 2 P1 not (G1 to G6 step 3) P11 not (PA PB1 PS2 PM3 PA4 M1)

Saved lists may be referred to by:\ #n where n is the number of the saved list\ or\ "name" where name is the name of the saved list (note the enclosing double quotes)

Member lists

En or nmember n (the E prefix is optional)
Gnmembers in group n
Pnmembers of property n
PB(n)1D beam, bar, rod, strut and tie members (of property n)
PA(n)2D members (of property n)
M(n)members (of analysis material n)
MS(n)steel members (of grade n)
MC(n)concrete members (of grade n)
MP(n)FRP members (of grade n)
DUMMYdummy members
Xnmembers on global X line through node n (see geometry based lists)
Ynditto for Y (see geometry based lists)
Znditto for Z (see geometry based lists)
XYnmembers on global XY plane passing through node n (see geometry based lists)
YZnditto for YZ (see geometry based lists)
ZXnditto for ZX (see geometry based lists)

The symbol * may be used in place of a member or property number to refer to the highest numbered member or property.

An example of a valid member list is 1 11 to 20 step 2 P1 not (G1 to G6 step 3) P11 not (Z4 XY55)

Saved lists may be referred to by:\ #n where n is the number of the saved list\ or\ "name" where name is the name of the saved list (note the enclosing double quotes)

Case lists

A case may be refered to by the following syntax:

Lnload case n
Mnmode n
Ananalysis case n
Cncombination case n
Cnpppermutation p of combination case n where ranges of permutations can be specified, such as C4p1 to p5 or C4p1 to p* to specify all permutations in a combination.
Tnanalysis cases in task n
n(with no prefix) is only valid when there is an unambiguous relationship between load or mode case and analysis case.

An example of a valid case list is 1 L1 M1 A1 C1 C2p1 A3 to A5 T1

Saved lists may be referred to by:\ #n where n is the number of the saved list\ or\ "name" where name is the name of the saved list (note the enclosing double quotes)

Geometry based lists

Xnnodes, elements or members on global X line passing through the node n
Ynditto for Y
Znditto for Z
XYnnodes, elements or members on global XY plane passing through the node n
YZnditto for YZ
ZXnditto for ZX


Examples of lists are:

1 to 100 not (51 to 54) PB1 PA5


E1 to E100 not (51 to 54) or PB1 or PA5

A list of nodes on the XY plane passing through node 50 but excluding 43 to 49 would be

XY50 not (43 to 49)

The following associations apply:

  • a and b
  • not a
  • a or b


a and or b – not valid

not not a – valid (but not particularly useful)

not a and not b – equivalent to (not a) and (not b)

not (a or b) – equivalent to not a and not b

a b – equivalent to “a or b

The expression “a and b or c or not d” is evaluated as follows:

(a and b) or c or not d

((a and b) or c) or not d

((a and b) or c) or (not d)

(((a and b) or c) or (not d))