# GSA 10.0 Release Notes

# Build 68

# Improvements

  • [GSA-2589] - Model very slow to update after modifications
  • [GSA-2127] - Comparing models help file entry - Help file entry updated for Model comparison
  • [GSA-2590] - Disable explicit analysis when there are beam element releases in the model as the results are incorrect
  • [GSA-2797] - Drag + collapse node operation taking up to 15 minutes to complete
  • [GSA-2642] - 2D member export is very slow when polygon contains many edges
  • [GSA-2646] - Reinstate the option to create an FE mesh from soil zones and profiles

# Fixes

  • [GSA-2770] - Tapered beam self-weight not calculating properly
  • [GSA-2643] - Assembly result contribution from 2D elements is not correct when the element and assembly z-axes do not correspond
  • [GSA-2615] - DWG mesh import not working
  • [GSA-2854] - Asymmetric section might give wrong analysis results
  • [GSA-2853] - File saved by GSA 10.0 build 63 cannot be opened by GSA 10.0 build 63 and all the later versions of GSA
  • [GSA-2690] - GSA crashes on output of spring matrix
  • [GSA-2723] - Element offsets are editable from the wizard even when analysis results exist
  • [GSA-2629] - 2D Element axes changed between 8.7 and 10.0
  • [GSA-708] - Results from stages being excluded from envelopes
  • [GSA-2730] - GSA crashes when certain combinations are displayed
  • [GSA-2758] - Incorrect calculation of Assembly force
  • [GSA-2800] - When a member's orientation node is dragged + collapsed onto another node, the orientation node reference in the member definition is not updated

# Build 62

# Improvements

  • [GSA-2509] - Models with large number of loads now faster producing 2D element results

# Fixes

  • [GSA-2189] - element end relative displacements to refer to sign convention of element forces other than element local axis
  • [GSA-2099] - Unable to use split on a brick element
  • [GSA-2145] - Timber Material Grades shear modulus 10 times too high
  • [GSA-2191] - Steel design task when using with check option not storing worst utilization
  • [GSA-2215] - Assembly results not using Axes
  • [GSA-2383] - Timber Material Grade elastic orthotropic properties are wrong
  • [GSA-2384] - Timber Material Grades Young's Modulus wrong for some EN338 grades
  • [GSA-2472] - GsRelax solver - 2D element displacement not calculated
  • [GSA-2484] - Harmonic analysis reporting incorrect damping
  • [GSA-2485] - Typo in Harmonic Analysis Wizard
  • [GSA-794] - Updating CanUndo status may crash GSA crashes during piled-raft analysis
  • [GSA-1556] - Data checking error when load panels fail to map onto beam elements
  • [GSA-1565] - GSA crashes while defining rebar properties
  • [GSA-1601] - Print output view - content sometimes overruns page boundaries
  • [GSA-1742] - Combined buckling check for Hong Kong steel checker is now includes the amplification factor for P-delta effects.
  • [GSA-1786] - The Steel Member Design Serviceability is now disabled
  • [GSA-1787] - Steel design serviceability checks not reliable
  • [GSA-1810] - Maximum derived shear stresses are wrong for 2D elements if non-local axis is used
  • [GSA-1814] - Preferred tolerances for grid edge tolerance sometimes issue the warning incorrectly
  • [GSA-1863] - Description of "Copy Lists Expanded" functionality not clear
  • [GSA-2024] - Translucency disabled
  • [GSA-2052] - Tied interfaces leading to incorrect results in models
  • [GSA-2074] - Unable to copy saved graphics view to GWA
  • [GSA-2075] - Error while saving GWA file in models with saved graphic views
  • [GSA-2101] - Tools>Expand grid loads fails when "overwrite" option is selected
  • [GSA-2138] - When moving node (using move sculpt tool), if the node collapses with an existing one, the nodal loads table is not refreshed with updated content
  • [GSA-2139] - Analysis task reports causing bloated binary file sizes
  • [GSA-2165] - Hollow slab definition for void zone text is incorrect in definition dialogue
  • [GSA-2186] - Damping in response spectrum definition not converting to/from %
  • [GSA-2196] - Error when reading environmental parameters
  • [GSA-2197] - Eurocode 8 Dynamic Response Spectra Damping values wrong
  • [GSA-2205] - Grid Area Loads not expanding
  • [GSA-2214] - Several issues with Assemblies wizard and table (relating to entity list type)
  • [GSA-2224] - If 2D elements have offsets, analysis results may be wrong
  • [GSA-2236] - Snapping dot not visible when pinning node using Ctrl-click
  • [GSA-2241] - Numerical display precision in properties pane
  • [GSA-2242] - Element offset units inconsistent between table and wizard
  • [GSA-2246] - Material GWA exports inconsistent with standards
  • [GSA-2257] - Launching wizard for concrete material grade renames the material in the row of the active cell (even when that isn't the row the wizard is launched in)
  • [GSA-2258] - Models that used the "elastic modifier" before it was removed no longer have any modifier applied to the youngs modulus
  • [GSA-2310] - Update GSA Getting Started to GSA 10.0
  • [GSA-2359] - Dummy Link Elements cause constraint failures
  • [GSA-2360] - GSA not recognizing and collapsing coincident nodes
  • [GSA-2362] - GSA Non-linear explicit solver is not convergence is now improved
  • [GSA-2365] - Block GSA launching if OpenGL version not satisfied to stop it from crashing
  • [GSA-2366] - 2D members which end with an arc mid-side node do not generate arc segments (eg "1 2 3 4 a 5")
  • [GSA-2379] - Aluminium, Timber, Glass and Fabric wizards are not populated with current data on launch
  • [GSA-2385] - GSA 10 - Incorrect hyperlink in Help file
  • [GSA-2393] - Analysis stages with negative creep coefficient create unexpected results
  • [GSA-2401] - "Delete blank properties" function in "Manage Data" works only on analysis layer
  • [GSA-2410] - When changing the RC slab properties, the contours do not update until the model is closed and re-opened
  • [GSA-2419] - GSA can crash in the units dialog of the material curve wizard
  • [GSA-2426] - Steel design results for tapered members are incorrect (calculations based on uniform property) - calcs disabled for this case

# Build 61

# Improvements

  • [GSA-1180] - Tided saved image preferences
  • [GSA-1555] - Removed macrobars
  • [GSA-2095] - Resolve issule of user modules slower in GSA 10 than GSA 9
  • [GSA-2097] - Deleting load cases can be very slow for models with large number of loads
  • [GSA-2110] - GSA API: Try to initiate / terminate API automatically to keep it away from API user's responsibility
  • [GSA-2206] - Add ability to hide blocks
  • [GSA-2207] - Avoid doing member intersections when "hide member mesh" option is selected
  • [GSA-2234] - Only process updates from properties pane on return/tab/input losing focus (instead of on each key press)

# Fixes

  • [GSA-2122] - Fix bug in reading saved views
  • [GSA-2222] - Loads P??? list syntax not updated when appending .gwa files
  • [GSA-1148] - Unable to paste into properties pane inputs
  • [GSA-2078] - Popup "open in text editor?" blocks API progress after saving as GWA
  • [GSA-2081] - Link and spring members do not correctly associate with elements
  • [GSA-2082] - "Align elements" doesn't work on members
  • [GSA-2104] - Find tool in the graphic view does not always work properly when display filter is showing "all"
  • [GSA-2115] - "Precision of generated node" preference not used consistently. Remove the preference and always use maximum precision.
  • [GSA-2117] - Shrink Element display freezes graphical view if section properties are missing
  • [GSA-2119] - Sum of reported analysis times is not equal to the time between start and end of analysis
  • [GSA-2121] - Model containing 2D members with invalid topology and results can crash on opening/analyse
  • [GSA-2140] - Grid area loads not accepting Whole Plane
  • [GSA-2154] - GSA sometimes incorrectly exporting the element orientation to LS-DYNA keyword format
  • [GSA-2176] - GSA sometimes crashes when running steel design task when design task consists of dummy member
  • [GSA-2177] - When a 1D member ends on the edge of a co-planar 2D member, the mesh doesn't always node out
  • [GSA-2179] - Find (Ctrl+F) should give the options of nodes and members when on the design layer
  • [GSA-2181] - Case list in "expand grid loads" dialog not populated
  • [GSA-2208] - Not all elements are created when creating elements from members while "hide member mesh" is selected
  • [GSA-2209] - GSA crashes when displaying shrunk elements or members when the 1D section property doesn't exist
  • [GSA-2212] - Member local axis is set to last replica centre (instead of first)
  • [GSA-2213] - When member mesh is hidden, 2D member surface rendering sometimes fails
  • [GSA-2240] - COM Datarefs for GSA 10 not updated
  • [GSA-2245] - Setting a standard Rebar Material Grade crashes GSA
  • [GSA-2271] - When importing to the design layer, the properties assigned to the members does not vary with CAD layer (regardless of preference)
  • [GSA-2299] - In GSA 10 ## Build58, loads applied to otherwise unattached constraint slave nodes are sometimes lost
  • [GSA-2302] - Changing material attributes in the wizard does not update the data
  • [GSA-2304] - Changing a rebar grade using the standard grades doesn't update the wizard to reflect that grade

# Build 58

# Improvements

  • [GSA-2030] - GSA API: Update property names to reflect references
  • [GSA-2077] - Not allow users to set Less than 1.0 mass scaling factor limit
  • [GSA-2087] - Joints data are not be opened correctly for the attached file
  • [GSA-2092] - GSA API: Functions required to add to API for GSA-Statica link
  • [GSA-2096] - Make RC2DCal.dll be usable by Excel VBA in addition to GSA C++ projects
  • [GSA-2109] - GSA API: Fix warnings from CLR project
  • [GSA-2123] - Update help file for elastic-plastic isotropic material as 2D & 3D elements can use this material in explicit analysis

# Fixes

  • [GSA-1709] - File saved by GSA 10.0 is not opened properly by development version of GSA due to spring elements in the model
  • [GSA-2055] - Node spring node number is not set correctly in GsRelax analysis
  • [GSA-2002] - Create a New Model from Deformed Geometry not creating new model
  • [GSA-2100] - Analysis preference
  • [GSA-2102] - Contour and output not available for 2D elements in response spectrum analysis cases
  • [GSA-2124] - Panes not updating on dialogs opened from status bar
  • [GSA-2137] - Error in GsRaft analysis data checking, it prevents some of the analysis proceeding and message is not relevant

# Build 56

# Improvements

  • [GSA-170] - Using the generate structure does not create a model you can analyse
  • [GSA-1671] - Make Interop.GSA" strongly named
  • [GSA-1923] - Tapered section - documentation
  • [GSA-2000] - Clarify inputs in beam thermal loading wizard
  • [GSA-2023] - Revise existing GSA API documentation to be GSA COM API
  • [GSA-2028] - GSA API: Prepare documentation for the API and usage instructions for .Net and Python applications
  • [GSA-2032] - Units for collapse nodes are always in metres
  • [GSA-2036] - Performance ### Improvements for "Split 1D elements" command
  • [GSA-2059] - GSA now no longer collapses nodes that are part of the same element/member
  • [GSA-1861] - Adjust material grades to clarify usage

# Fixes

  • [GSA-811] - GSA P-Delta using Static task with "2D centres" only should be an error.
  • [GSA-1271] - Missing or extra Environmental Impact contours
  • [GSA-1606] - GsRevit is throwing exception while assigning value to shared parameter
  • [GSA-1682] - If rigid slave node has not rotational stiffness from other elements, the slave node rotational results are missed in static analysis
  • [GSA-1685] - Wall and Slab openings are not correctly getting translated in Revit to GSA export
  • [GSA-1705] - ADC export is not working
  • [GSA-1924] - GSA crashes when running test procedure for explicit analysis
  • [GSA-1986] - GSA API: Exception on saving a file
  • [GSA-2009] - GSA sometimes crashes when saving
  • [GSA-2021] - Alerts on save GWB when file comes from older version GSA
  • [GSA-2027] - CSV mapping file is not getting imported in the respective table under the mapping wizard.
  • [GSA-2035] - Users can't get to window either from app or a detached pane once they are not on all screens
  • [GSA-753] - Modification to Young's modulus in concrete grade does not work
  • [GSA-755] - Save Image losing contour legend
  • [GSA-844] - Section names not changeable with Replace
  • [GSA-851] - Assembly list input in Output Settings dialog is not disabled when not relevant
  • [GSA-1484] - Add Entities not (necessarily) snapping to the correct grid axis
  • [GSA-1489] - [resolved in previous build]Footfall analysis trying to use excluded modal results
  • [GSA-1496] - Update check for licensing in external build of GSA.
  • [GSA-1517] - 'Go to' data command does not move to relevant row in the tables
  • [GSA-1518] - Element internal deflections for asymmetric sections modified to use principal axis not correct
  • [GSA-1544] - Section shape display not matching Section Display when element is offset
  • [GSA-1549] - In the Extrude dialog, the user Axis reference gets reset when clicking the "Axis..." button
  • [GSA-1552] - Grid layout auto extents not correct when based on user axis
  • [GSA-1553] - Bridge load analysis reverting to Active Column
  • [GSA-1558] - GSA incorrectly exporting the 2D element/material axes to LS-DYNA
  • [GSA-1562] - Raft interaction areas only visible from one side
  • [GSA-1563] - 2D face to ground contact > nodal stiffness not creating raft soil interaction nodes correctly
  • [GSA-1587] - Problem with GSA to LS-Dyna export: no loads defined, gravity load not exported and boundary_spc_node only writes the header and not the definition
  • [GSA-1588] - Selecting elements using the Ctrl+F command includes elements that are not currently displayed
  • [GSA-1625] - Hide unused Generic Analysis option
  • [GSA-1652] - "Draw member mesh" checkbox in graphic settings is sometimes not visible
  • [GSA-1655] - Rigid Constraints Wizard doesn't save some data when switching constraint type
  • [GSA-1674] - After splitting elements, while the display list is in the form "PA", "PB" etc, the resulting display list is corrupted
  • [GSA-1711] - Concrete Slab Reinforcement tool creating excessive number of User Modules
  • [GSA-1722] - Deleting multiple load cases asks for confirmation multiple times
  • [GSA-1729] - DXF import of perimeter sections not recognising voids correctly
  • [GSA-1730] - The About GSA Licensing Details link is broken
  • [GSA-1733] - Change log link in GSA Help menu broken
  • [GSA-1737] - [no longer an issue]Memory leak in graphic view
  • [GSA-1746] - GWA keywords file needs updating for SECTION.7
  • [GSA-1747] - Member documentation needs updating for POOL
  • [GSA-1748] - Accessing link in report gives error
  • [GSA-1749] - Some models can crash immediately after analysis/file open with results
  • [GSA-1751] - Tools > RC slab reinforcement dialog not allowing user to type the name of an existing analysis task/combination case
  • [GSA-1755] - Case description wizard giving wrong envelope syntax
  • [GSA-1797] - 1D element/member contour colours are all black when constant width is requested
  • [GSA-1820] - Steel serviceability absolute deflection limit being lost
  • [GSA-1832] - Orthotropic material greek symbols missing in UI
  • [GSA-1835] - Material grades can be overwritten using "right click > standard grades" even when the record is locked (eg post-analysis)
  • [GSA-1854] - GSA export to ADC missing out sagging moments
  • [GSA-1887] - GSA failing to import some dwg files
  • [GSA-1898] - Opening the Response Spectrum Advanced settings always gives warnings
  • [GSA-1899] - Data checking is too strict and not allow explicit nonlinear analysis to use plastic material
  • [GSA-1918] - Fabric Material Grades > Standard Grades not generating properties
  • [GSA-1933] - Modifying tied interface causes model to hang, producing a message "The data cannot be edited"
  • [GSA-1935] - American steel codes not working unless unlocked
  • [GSA-1938] - Material grade should be disabled in the 2D properties table for Load Panel 2D properties
  • [GSA-1949] - Spring damping value inconsistency
  • [GSA-1970] - Contours on nodes not showing at deformed position
  • [GSA-1973] - Blocks not updating correctly when member list defined by reference to property/group
  • [GSA-1979] - Changing the node coincident tolerance doesn't force the model to re-mesh
  • [GSA-1987] - Previous versions of GSA may have set user's preferred node coincidence tolerance to 1m - reset to 10mm if stored value > 100mm
  • [GSA-1991] - Response spectrum analysis returns large base shears for Eurocode 8
  • [GSA-1993] - GSA can crash when creating analysis model from mixture of 1D members and parabolic 2D members
  • [GSA-1994] - Right click > Modify Sections in the sections table does not update the section's pool attribute
  • [GSA-1997] - Display and Layer not always in sync
  • [GSA-1998] - Internal results on bar elements ignoring graphic/output settings
  • [GSA-2004] - Titles not retaining Latitude and Longitude
  • [GSA-2005] - GSA crashes while opening tolerances from Gateway>Specification>General>Tolerances
  • [GSA-2006] - Areas of 2D members enclosed by a loop of 1D members and more than one void edge can fail to mesh
  • [GSA-2007] - Grid line load table resets polyline to reference after editing the explicit definition field
  • [GSA-2008] - GSA can crash after editing a member through the right click menu
  • [GSA-2011] - GSA can crash in analysis task wizard (response spectrum analysis)
  • [GSA-2012] - Colour Elements by Material is not working
  • [GSA-2014] - Update COM Datarefs for use in Output API functions
  • [GSA-2015] - The Australian settings for bridge loading does not include the right vehicles
  • [GSA-2016] - The mass and weight under Model Summary of message pane are wrong if the model has load panel elements
  • [GSA-2018] - Graphics settings dialog not launching correctly
  • [GSA-2019] - When element property is zero, the properties pane shows 1
  • [GSA-2026] - Some analysis types show imperfection options when not relevant
  • [GSA-2029] - GSA crashes while displaying steel design summaries in the output views when member do not have elements
  • [GSA-2034] - AISC steel checker: Checker now omit the LT Buckling calculation report for RHS sections
  • [GSA-2039] - GSA crashes while running an analysis
  • [GSA-2043] - GSA is incorrectly exporting the beam section information when the section analysis material is referring to design grade material
  • [GSA-2044] - AS4100 Steel checker: Program incorrectly reporting axial buckling calculations when effective length is zero
  • [GSA-2056] - When deleting members along with their constituent elements, other elements in the model lose their association with the members they were generated from
  • [GSA-2061] - The Help file PDF link in the splash screen also goes to the 9.0 version

# Build 55

# Improvements

  • [GSA-1543] - Output number of permutations in the combinations case definition table
  • [GSA-1829] - Synchronise elements and members - provide summary only
  • [GSA-1841] - Splitting 1D element does not work if the 1D element is tapered
  • [GSA-1901] - Switch default entity filter to members when on the design layer
  • [GSA-1950] - The new model wizard displayed units do not quite match up with the selections
  • [GSA-1962] - Allow 8 digits node and element numbers for DYNA export
  • [GSA-1981] - COM API: allow multiple GWA commands to be passed in one string (command separator \n)

# Fixes

  • [GSA-1774] - The exported grid line from Revit is not in correct (. gwa) format.
  • [GSA-1932] - 1D members with more than 2 nodes (and no elements) not rendering
  • [GSA-1953] - GSA is unable to read CSV files that have comments (lines starting with "!") that include a comma
  • [GSA-744] - Contour settings are reset when switching between RC slab contours
  • [GSA-791] - Default internal restraints of members are ignored
  • [GSA-793] - Internal results on non-beam 1D elements missing
  • [GSA-814] - Moment factor in Steel design - HK code
  • [GSA-834] - [fixed in previous build] Members sometimes only render first segment
  • [GSA-848] - Enable calculation of perimeter section shear stresses
  • [GSA-852] - Grid panels not found for grid surface with coinciding elements
  • [GSA-863] - Asymmetric cellular beam checking wrong depth when validating hole diameter
  • [GSA-1533] - Assembly results can be very slow to display: new implementation significantly improves performance
  • [GSA-1546] - After running "Connect 1D elements" offsets for split elements/members are lost
  • [GSA-1547] - Eurocode 8:2004 response spectrum damping set to 500%
  • [GSA-1560] - Member bending moments out of sync with Element results
  • [GSA-1572] - DXF import of perimeter sections ignoring voids
  • [GSA-1626] - Young's Modulus to BS 5950 and EN 1993 wrong
  • [GSA-1687] - 3D element material reference validation not working
  • [GSA-1702] - Assemblies filter in assemblies output view doesn't work
  • [GSA-1720] - Member design - Tip moment
  • [GSA-1744] - GSA ignores section rotation in calculating properties
  • [GSA-1757] - GSA crashes if dummy members are included in design
  • [GSA-1777] - GSA crash while changing contour option from "Graded by value" to "Automatic"
  • [GSA-1784] - Singapore steel code wrongly named
  • [GSA-1791] - Enable All Design Tasks not working
  • [GSA-1794] - Typo in Steel design output
  • [GSA-1813] - Coincidence tolerance units not showing correctly.
  • [GSA-1821] - "Delete elements from member" not deleting elements from 1D dummy member
  • [GSA-1826] - ### Fixes for synchronising member/element offsets
  • [GSA-1857] - Message pane displaying 1D property when 2D member is selected
  • [GSA-1860] - GSA crashes when selecting a member which refers to partially-defined section property
  • [GSA-1862] - Update of help file to reflect current member functionality
  • [GSA-1869] - Update of Rigid Constraints help
  • [GSA-1870] - Footfall damping value reported out by factor of 100 in the analysis task summary in the message pane
  • [GSA-1871] - GSA crashes when defining a point area section
  • [GSA-1872] - 2D element centre values from models analysed in build <45 are equal to final topology value (as opposed to interpolated value)
  • [GSA-1874] - Torsional spring property GWA export/import not working
  • [GSA-1875] - Entity labels not visible when no results are displayed
  • [GSA-1876] - If members are deleted when the model has results, constituent elements can also be deleted
  • [GSA-1877] - Elements generated from 1D members are not split at 2D parabolic element mid-side nodes
  • [GSA-1878] - Mid-side nodes of parabolic elements generated from adjacent 2D members not collapsed
  • [GSA-1884] - GSA can crash on opening some models with complex 2D members and analysis results
  • [GSA-1890] - Model crashing at the end of static analysis
  • [GSA-1894] - Typing negative numbers starting with zero in the properties pane inputs causes the minus sign to be lost
  • [GSA-1903] - GSA crashes when opening the members table when the default member type is a void cutter type
  • [GSA-1905] - Meshing failure when a void in a 2D member has an edge which is aligned with the global x-axis and is surrounded by clockwise loop of 1D members
  • [GSA-1914] - Dots drawn at restrained nodes regardless of graphic settings
  • [GSA-1921] - GWA model can crash when pasting GWA from "copy all" command in another model
  • [GSA-1925] - 1D member intersection with multiple 2D members sometimes causes analysis model to not node out
  • [GSA-1934] - GSA crashes when undoing a modification to a tied interface
  • [GSA-1941] - GSA 10 not reading MEMB.5 format GWA from GSA 9
  • [GSA-1942] - Steel design results in SI
  • [GSA-1951] - GSA crashes when results are deleted while Buckling Details output is open
  • [GSA-1952] - 2D element centre displacements are not normalised for buckling cases. NOTE: files saved with corrupted 2D element centre displacements will need to be re-analysed
  • [GSA-1955] - "Contour by quantile" option not disabled when not relevant
  • [GSA-1964] - 1D members from string of elements not creating correctly
  • [GSA-1968] - Influence effects and beam loadings cannot be edited with bridge tasks in the model even if unanalysed
  • [GSA-1969] - GSA crashes when attempting to creating members from elements which refer to nodes that don't exist
  • [GSA-1971] - GSA inconsistantly exporting the beam element sections into LsDyan format
  • [GSA-1972] - Synchronise element from 1D members not synchronising releases along the internal parts of the member
  • [GSA-1975] - GWA command COPY_ALL not working for Analysis tasks, Members and Polylines
  • [GSA-1977] - Assemblies with constituent 1D elements that oppose the direction of the assembly have the wrong sign contribution
  • [GSA-1980] - GSA AISC steel checker is unable to check the members with angle sections
  • [GSA-1989] - Brick elements not exporting to DYNA correctly
  • [GSA-1990] - Preferences > Tolerance > Node coincident tolerance not converting from user units, resulting in corrupted value for any units other than SI

# Build 49

# Improvements

  • [GSA-1735] - Make AssembleMass(...) work
  • [GSA-1808] - Clarification of material grade design/analysis properties in tables
  • [GSA-1811] - Use node constraint axis for node spring property by the solvers
  • [GSA-1825] - Update help file for footfall analysis to reference SCI P354 2009 version

# Fixes

  • [GSA-1478] - Print Landscape not functioning
  • [GSA-1520] - Creating Elements from bar, strut and tie members adds extra nodes and elements
  • [GSA-1528] - Issue in reading/writing GWA keywords of saved graphics view
  • [GSA-1578] - Harmonic element and node displacements disconnected
  • [GSA-1593] - Tapered elements giving wrong results under self-weight
  • [GSA-1675] - When making a selection by copying an entity list into the graphic view, the properties pane does not update to reflect the new selection
  • [GSA-1686] - Negative mesh size does not produce triangles
  • [GSA-1690] - Timber grades do not include analysis properties
  • [GSA-1726] - Spring damping values off by 100
  • [GSA-1769] - This model loses the section table on opening
  • [GSA-1771] - Splitting tapered member to smaller beam elements do not work well as beam section shapes/sizes do not match the original member
  • [GSA-1788] - [Please delete, issue already resolved]
  • [GSA-1792] - Unable to read section from a file
  • [GSA-1793] - GSA crashes when running design task
  • [GSA-1799] - Panes not updated after opening file from recent files list
  • [GSA-1800] - Display of deformed structure seems to give rotations about z where there should be none
  • [GSA-1801] - Create Element from Members in Blocks doubling elements
  • [GSA-1802] - 1D members sometimes subdivide despite mesh size set to zero and not coplanar with other 2D members
  • [GSA-1815] - Lack of orientation node wrongly labelled as error
  • [GSA-1822] - 1D member automatic end offsets should not offset to dummy members (and dummy members should not be auto-offset)
  • [GSA-1824] - Crash on analysis with saved view open
  • [GSA-1834] - 1D members with explicit list of internal nodes not updating all resultant elements
  • [GSA-1849] - 2D element centre displacements are not normalised for modal cases
  • [GSA-1850] - "Case" dropdown in graphic view not populated on creation of the view
  • [GSA-1856] - Model containing 2D members crashing immediately after analysis task completed
  • [GSA-1858] - Assemblies not picking up forces from quad elements who's edge 1 is both parallel to the assembly's y axis and intersects the assembly calculation point
  • [GSA-1140] - External ## Buildnot recognising license
  • [GSA-1173] - Assembly forces are zero if the intermediate point is at the edge of 2D elements (see attached file)
  • [GSA-1350] - GSA crash does not generate a mail message with Windows 10 update
  • [GSA-1851] - Analysis checking errors when processing lists such as "PA" and "PB" (without subsequent qualifiers)

# Build 48

# Improvements

  • [GSA-1354] - Enable contouring of results and visualisation of deformed shape on 2D members in the design layer
  • [GSA-1738] - Improvement to assembly calculation speed
  • [GSA-1764] - Enable annotation of 2D member result contours
  • [GSA-1765] - Update wireframe representation of 2D void cutter members to avoid solid shading
  • [GSA-1766] - Provide warnings in message pane if meshing errors occur in a model
  • [GSA-1781] - Use consistent language for assembly extents (dialog/table)

# Fixes

  • [GSA-1320] - Cannot hide unused nodes
  • [GSA-724] - "highlight edges" graphic setting sometimes not persisting
  • [GSA-742] - 1D element contour bug - constant size not working for 'spot' contours
  • [GSA-750] - Performance issue - Extracting RC slab results
  • [GSA-861] - Area Graphics glitch
  • [GSA-1592] - Exported PDisp model crashes PDisp
  • [GSA-1599] - Raft interaction information in GSA Manual
  • [GSA-1607] - The beam elements will not split due to axial offsets
  • [GSA-1727] - Model with complex 2D members getting stuck on opening
  • [GSA-1736] - GWA for rigid constraints cannot be pasted between excel and GSA
  • [GSA-1739] - 2D members with internal nodes along their edges sometimes fail to mesh
  • [GSA-1758] - Where a 2D member has both a void cutter and overlapping solid 2D member, and an adjacent 2D member, meshing can fail
  • [GSA-1761] - Member meshing sometimes ignores user specified node coincidence tolerance
  • [GSA-1763] - Attempting to open grid line definition dialog crashes GSA if negatively-numbered grid lines exist in the model
  • [GSA-1767] - Models containing members with many internal line segments were causing some files to hang on opening
  • [GSA-1770] - Zero damping in footfall
  • [GSA-1773] - Contours sometimes rendering in black and white
  • [GSA-1775] - Assembly results sometimes don't capture contribution from all constituent elements
  • [GSA-1776] - Assembly Myy Bending moment had wrong sign when assembly z axis points in opposite direction of 2D element z axis
  • [GSA-1778] - 2D members with overlapping 2D voids which have other overlapping 2D members can fail to mesh
  • [GSA-1779] - Filtering the elements in the graphic view by assembly list doesn't display any elements
  • [GSA-1780] - Assemblies defined by member list don't pick up any elements
  • [GSA-1785] - Contours on 2D Parabolic elements appear with gaps
  • [GSA-1789] - Highlight coincident nodes using preferences tolerance instead of active model's tolerance

# Build 45

# Improvements

  • [GSA-1708] - Members do not auto offset at internal points of supporting member

# Fixes

  • [GSA-763] - Spurious warning about splitting loads on 1D elements
  • [GSA-797] - Unattached node display not updating
  • [GSA-803] - Deleting regions crashes when members refer to nodes on the mesh
  • [GSA-815] - GSA crashes in some cases when extracting steel design output
  • [GSA-822] - Models with material stiffness modifier giving nonsense results
  • [GSA-1119] - Manage Data / Delete blank properties not working
  • [GSA-1700] - The preference to save the file after analysis was ignored
  • [GSA-1707] - Member end offsets creating internal offsets
  • [GSA-1721] - Assembly results extraction over COM interface gives incorrect results.
  • [GSA-1728] - GSA sometimes hangs opening a model with complex 2D members
  • [GSA-1731] - Unable to move 2D members (using sculpt > move)
  • [GSA-1741] - Disable Allman-Cook option for plane stress analysis

# Build 43

# Improvements

  • [GSA-519] - Stage display of releases
  • [GSA-1116] - Paste GWA always returning true (eg paste rubbish text into gateway pane)
  • [GSA-1627] - To enable footfall analysis to consider different foot steps for different modes
  • [GSA-1649] - Clarify wording in "Composite Decking Details" dialog
  • [GSA-1654] - Modification of RC slab load factor Phi for Australian code
  • [GSA-1656] - Modify time history analysis load curve unit, ground motion load: time-acceleration; imposed load: time-factor
  • [GSA-1673] - Create and add RC2D spreadsheet that uses rc2d C++ dll to git, so it does not get lost
  • [GSA-1681] - Prevent the calculated time step to be zero for spring elements when no mass connected to spring element
  • [GSA-1701] - Add quantile contouring option
  • [GSA-1613] - Resolve non-ambiguous rigid constraints in solver (eg created by from member intersections)
  • [GSA-1634] - ### Improvements to Assemblies
  • [GSA-1639] - Assembly calculation
  • [GSA-1635] - Change definition of assembly
  • [GSA-1636] - Create tool to define assembly strips
  • [GSA-1640] - Create data function to return list of 1D and 2D elements, intersected by a surface
  • [GSA-1641] - Generate surfaces from assembly at each calculation point, taking account of y and z dimensions (default 0 = big)
  • [GSA-1642] - Function to evaluate force and moment contribution of an element to an assembly (based on local coordinate input)
  • [GSA-1643] - Accumulate the forces from all elements (use old method if any 3d elements in assembly) at each calculation point and return vector of (fx fy fz mx my mz)

# Fixes

  • [GSA-1122] - Orthogonal Material for beam element analysis fails
  • [GSA-1706] - Staged materials changes cause a crash in stiffness matrix assembly
  • [GSA-408] - Panes in GSA becomes unresponsive
  • [GSA-495] - Undo "add entity" sculpting
  • [GSA-553] - "undo" problems
  • [GSA-693] - GSA crashes if you undo during sculpt operation
  • [GSA-764] - Selecting list of elements from report pane
  • [GSA-767] - Tool to generate "Equivalent static/Accidental torsional loads" does not work if there mass from grid load in modal analysis
  • [GSA-770] - Nodes remaining associated with Members after joining
  • [GSA-798] - GSA crash
  • [GSA-804] - GSA calculates negative torsional constant
  • [GSA-1499] - Unable to import IFC
  • [GSA-1550] - Bug in asymmetric cellular beam section definition dialogue
  • [GSA-1605] - Creep coefficient in staged analysis
  • [GSA-1631] - Could not expand panel loads
  • [GSA-1644] - Meshing error when 1D member cuts through a rigid zone created by a 1D-2D intersection
  • [GSA-1645] - Error when reading lines from binary file
  • [GSA-1646] - GSA crashes when importing dxf to design layer
  • [GSA-1648] - GSA crashes on "delete elements from members" if some of the elements have already been manually deleted
  • [GSA-1650] - Staged Analyis reports coincident elements and fails to analyse
  • [GSA-1651] - 1D member automatic offsets are sometimes calculated wrong NOTE: files saved by previous versions with 1D members using automatic offsets may need to have their offsets redefined
  • [GSA-1657] - GSA crashing on Aluminium and Glass tables
  • [GSA-1659] - Create elements from members sometimes creates coincident nodes
  • [GSA-1660] - Create elements from members sometimes creates nodes with invalid coordinates
  • [GSA-1661] - 2D void cutter members create coincident nodes at their corners
  • [GSA-1663] - GSA crashes when deleting a node that is part of an entity's invalid topology
  • [GSA-1664] - Inconsistent results for stages analysis with mapped materials
  • [GSA-1665] - Invalid member topology not highlighted as error in member table
  • [GSA-1666] - Member intersections (yellow dots and lines) visible in analysis layer
  • [GSA-1667] - Error can occur in meshing when a 2D member is bounded by two 2D void cutters
  • [GSA-1668] - Self-weight of hollow section for taper elements are incorrect
  • [GSA-1669] - Member interactions showing on Analysis Layer
  • [GSA-1670] - 1D members are sometimes not split when they lie along an edge of a 2D member
  • [GSA-1676] - After creating elements from members, the 1D elements are not associated with (split) 1D members until another modification is made to the model
  • [GSA-1677] - 2D property offset
  • [GSA-1678] - Reinforcement material safety factor is sometimes missing for RC slab reinforcement calculation
  • [GSA-1679] - 1D members are subdivided by 2D rigid diaphragms
  • [GSA-1683] - Explicit nonlinear analysis not working for some model with rigid constraint
  • [GSA-1684] - Rotation of unattached constraint slave nodes are always zero (but should be equal to mater's rotation)
  • [GSA-1688] - GSA hangs when expanding load panel loads if the model contains elements that refers same node as its topology
  • [GSA-1691] - Contours ignoring user defined colours
  • [GSA-1692] - End offsets in wrong places
  • [GSA-1696] - Incorrect mass reported for cellular beams
  • [GSA-1697] - Assembly storey drift (and drift ratios) reported with the wrong sign
  • [GSA-1698] - No tooltip on cloud portal toolbar button
  • [GSA-1699] - Staged properties incorrect for 3D brick elements
  • [GSA-1704] - Element table not highlighting all missing nodes

# Build 40

# Improvements

  • [GSA-1603] - Lighting enabled for contours making them hard to read
  • [GSA-1621] - When converting parabolic elements to linear, clean up unused mid-side nodes

# Fixes

  • [GSA-1131] - Creating section in table does not set material correctly
  • [GSA-1165] - After create analysis model, split bad angle quads to tris
  • [GSA-1166] - After create analysis model > collapse coincident nodes, remove degenerate elements
  • [GSA-840] - Links showing results in wrong axes
  • [GSA-1209] - Create a task ordering function in CGsaData
  • [GSA-1487] - 1D members have duplicate child elements
  • [GSA-1523] - This model is extremely slow to open despite its small size
  • [GSA-1529] - Unable to see 2D member when excluded from meshing (3D view)
  • [GSA-1559] - 1D members not meshing correctly
  • [GSA-1566] - Soil mesh very very slow
  • [GSA-1579] - 1D Members creating nodes but not elements
  • [GSA-1581] - Results change when turning on displaced shape
  • [GSA-1584] - Member element relationship
  • [GSA-1586] - When moving a member, nodes shared with other members are move as opposed to copied
  • [GSA-1590] - 2D member's z axes are not always consistent
  • [GSA-1591] - Regions do not convert correctly into 2D Members
  • [GSA-1594] - When converting regions to members, existing elements generated from multi-area regions do not associate with the new 2D member
  • [GSA-1596] - Contouring not correct for brick elements
  • [GSA-1597] - Spurious 1D-2D member intersection
  • [GSA-1598] - 2D member mesh not noding out
  • [GSA-1608] - Graphics problem with hidden elements
  • [GSA-1609] - Graphics problem - GSA become unresponsive
  • [GSA-1611] - 1D members not splitting at internal nodes
  • [GSA-1614] - The Properties pane will not change nodal axis
  • [GSA-1616] - Editing nodal constraint axis changes nodal coordinates
  • [GSA-1617] - When converting 2D linear to parabolic, short edged elements can become degenerate
  • [GSA-1618] - COrderSet::CalcOrderVector fails if the set only includes one item
  • [GSA-1619] - Selection marks not visible when toggling through ambiguous selection items
  • [GSA-1620] - Properties pane: unable to change numeric values to zero
  • [GSA-1622] - Coincident dummy elements
  • [GSA-1623] - Dummy members cause incomplete meshing
  • [GSA-1629] - LT buckling calculation of CHS
  • [GSA-1630] - Extra rigid constraint created for overlapping members
  • [GSA-1633] - Self weight of Tapered elements
  • [GSA-1638] - Perimeter section written by GSA 9.0 cannot be opened or interpreted correctly by GSA 10

# Build 37

# Improvements

  • [GSA-1481] - 1D members meshing over voids
  • [GSA-1482] - Remove unnecessary fixed points from 2D mesh
  • [GSA-1117] - Enable paste GWA into graphic view
  • [GSA-1124] - Explode block into members
  • [GSA-1288] - Linear Gravity loads on tapered elements
  • [GSA-1300] - Contouring - Minor issues
  • [GSA-1575] - Generating 2D dome model option is disappeared from new model wizard
  • [GSA-1583] - Support releases on tapered elements
  • [GSA-1589] - Check nodal mass is zero or not after transferring slave node mass to master node in explicit time history analysis
  • [GSA-1610] - Update help and property sheet for RC2DCal DLL to enable it build outside Oasys environments
  • [GSA-1615] - Damper elements results are not saved in explicit time history analysis
  • [GSA-1167] - When delete member with elements, delete elements too? Yes/no dialog as per regions?

# Fixes

  • [GSA-407] - Crash in ModelMesher on file open
  • [GSA-1121] - UDL on tapered element crashes nonlinear analyses
  • [GSA-1125] - GSA crashes if modal & p-delta modal analysis using loads on taper element to generate mass
  • [GSA-1130] - Exception in Properties pane
  • [GSA-1132] - Creating tapered sections from catalogue sections
  • [GSA-1133] - Crash on modal analysis of tapered elements
  • [GSA-1135] - Offset mesh not triangulating, see attched
  • [GSA-1136] - Mesh not noding out, see attached
  • [GSA-1137] - Some self-intersecting 2D members fail to mesh
  • [GSA-1138] - 1D arc member 3D graphic appears twisted
  • [GSA-1139] - GSA crashes on undo "model>section tools>add catalogue sections"
  • [GSA-1146] - arc member mesh not correct
  • [GSA-517] - Using "Save As" to save file and choose (Selected results only) option does not work
  • [GSA-546] - Open GSA 8.7 file from GSA 9.0 the buckling analysis results are different from GSA 8.7 (see attached file and note below)
  • [GSA-605] - GSA crashing
  • [GSA-649] - Unused nodes that lie on members are undeletable
  • [GSA-741] - Bug in member offset
  • [GSA-759] - Reinforcement area contour is not updated after changing RC slab property
  • [GSA-766] - Renaing analysis cases
  • [GSA-786] - You cannot undo dragging a node
  • [GSA-835] - Explicit section units
  • [GSA-841] - Error in section property calculation
  • [GSA-846] - Member element relationships
  • [GSA-854] - AS4100 Steel checker: Strict moment tolerance when calculating the Alpha M value.
  • [GSA-858] - Member end restraints
  • [GSA-859] - AS4100 Steel checker: Program now uses actual ke when estimating Nc while computing reduced moment capacity
  • [GSA-872] - Odd results for a stage which lock element releases
  • [GSA-1110] - GSA crashes when using edit > quick delete (eg nodes, elements, members)
  • [GSA-1111] - Brick element principal stresses are drawn in wrong colour
  • [GSA-1114] - The concrete rebar contours are being set but are not displaying the text
  • [GSA-1115] - GSA 10 file associations are remaining on 9.0
  • [GSA-1118] - GSA crashes if you click "properties at" in the section wizard before defining the section profile
  • [GSA-1123] - tools > result map crashes GSA 10
  • [GSA-1126] - GSA crashes when modifying the section-1 definition to 'Perimeter section'
  • [GSA-1127] - Highlight edges not working for 1D elements
  • [GSA-1128] - Crash when modifying section to perimeter (Karthik email)
  • [GSA-1475] - Problem with principal axes and asymmetric sections
  • [GSA-1480] - Damping not properly considered in RSA
  • [GSA-1483] - If link element slave node is connected to node with no rotational stiffness, the analysis results may be wrong, also apply to rigid constraints
  • [GSA-1490] - Meshing engine creating bad triangles
  • [GSA-1493] - Element internal deflections not correct
  • [GSA-1494] - GSA 10 build 32 crash - repeatable
  • [GSA-1495] - 1D members connecting to 2D via rigid link not split on analysis layer
  • [GSA-1497] - Reading input data only from file not working
  • [GSA-1501] - Changes using Replace are not being stored
  • [GSA-1502] - Some of the HSS sections have the wrong dimensions
  • [GSA-1503] - Steel design check requiring design pool
  • [GSA-1504] - Modify element orientation angle does not work, see attached email
  • [GSA-1505] - Beam section cost not output
  • [GSA-1507] - GSA crashes in some instance when changing design code
  • [GSA-1508] - GSA not displaying mode shapes in graphics window
  • [GSA-1510] - Grid area loading contours only showing in one direction
  • [GSA-1511] - Steel design do not work correctly when the optimisation is based on cost
  • [GSA-1512] - 2D element orientation angle
  • [GSA-1513] - Composite slab database not opening
  • [GSA-1514] - The property pane allows the editing of locked objects
  • [GSA-1515] - when Link and rigid slave nodes are connected to nodes without rotational stiffness, the buckling analysis results are wrong if slave nodes are not pinned
  • [GSA-1516] - 1D members not connecting
  • [GSA-1519] - GSA crashes when moving members (sculpt operation)
  • [GSA-1522] - If modal dynamic analysis has mode cutoff, the following dynamic response analyses, such as footfall, RSA & harmonic etc, cannot proceed due to data checking error
  • [GSA-1525] - 2D Centre results analysis flag ignoring preferences
  • [GSA-1530] - Member design propblems
  • [GSA-1532] - This model will not display Deformed Image
  • [GSA-1534] - Grid Line Loads not expanding on vertical 2D surfaces
  • [GSA-1541] - Explicit nonlinear analysis fails to analyse a catenary cable model, but GsRelax can
  • [GSA-1561] - GSA 2D element help file out of step with program
  • [GSA-1574] - Unable to create members from elements
  • [GSA-1580] - Destabilized loading in steel design sometimes not included
  • [GSA-1535] - Member section compatibility reporting errors, but no way to change section member type

# Build 32

# Fixes

  • [GSA-1189] - Tied interface and nonlinear analysis severe warning
  • [GSA-836] - GSA crashing on collapsing coincident nodes
  • [GSA-837] - GSA not drawing members composed of multiple elements
  • [GSA-839] - Flip members not working correctly for explicit members
  • [GSA-849] - Element colour at Modify Entities Pane
  • [GSA-865] - soil profile order is wrongly rearranged after saving and re-opening the file
  • [GSA-866] - Problem with definition of load case for buckling analysis/ P-delta
  • [GSA-874] - GSA crash if pile-soil interaction property set
  • [GSA-1485] - Explicit time history analysis fails with "Unhandled exception in solver" when huge number of load curves are used
  • [GSA-1491] - If wall elements use topological axis, the results may be wrong when wall elements are connected to beam elements

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