# GSA 10.1 Release Notes
# Build 10.1.68
June 2023
GSA 10.1 Build 68 introduces the "DUMMY" keyword to element and member lists, moment amplification factors for steel design to AS4100, and new .NET API functionality. In addition, it includes a number bug fixes related to output views and reduction of crashes during analysis.
# Features
- GSA steel designer now includes the calculation of moment amplification factors (
) for AS4100-2020 and AS4100-1998 steel checks. Users can also override the calculated moment amplification factor by assigning a design variable override in member properties. [GSA-6061] - The keyword "DUMMY" can now be used in element and member list definitions. e.g. "PA not DUMMY" will select all 2D elements (PA) that are not dummy elements. [GSA-6881]
# .NET API Improvements
- GSA .NET API now has the function to set the default units when a model is opened in GSA. [GSA-6596]
- GSA .NET API now has the function to work with 1D Result Diagrams. [GSA-6620]
- GSA .NET API now has the function to set Section and 2D Property offsets. [GSA-6754,GSA-6753]
- GSA .NET API now has the function to get and set AnalysisMaterial Name. [GSA-6756]
- GSA .NET API now has the function to work with Standard (Code) Materials. [GSA-6776]
- GSA .NET API now has the ability to change modifiers for 2D Properties. [GSA-6811]
- GSA .NET API now has the function to get extended section properties. [GSA-6813]
- GSA .NET API now has the function to draw load diagrams as lines with start and end points. [GSA-6860]
- GSA .NET API now has the function to annotate results and load diagrams. [GSA-6862]
# Bug Fixes
- GSA no longer freezes when copying outputs from grid view. [GSA-4493]
- Member output views can now be filtered based on a list of members. [GSA-4570]
- Element rotation results for bar, rod, strut and tie elements under tri-linear loading are now reporting correct results. [GSA-6748]
- Viewing assembly forces and moments from the combined case of a response spectrum analysis task will no longer crash GSA. [GSA-5886]
- A GSA file can now be opened by dragging and dropping a GSA data file to an active GSA window. [GSA-5980]
- Adding a prestress load to a chain of bar elements now produces results that include the effect of the preload stiffness in linear and P-Delta analyses. [GSA-6482]
- When modal buckling analysis fails with unresolved eigenvalues, a proper error message is now available instead of crashing GSA. [GSA-6642]
- GSA no longer crashes while using the apply offsets tool in models with undefined section profiles. [GSA-6706]
- Running a modal analysis and requesting a single mode no longer causes a crash in GSA if no mode was found. [GSA-6799]
- The message when non-stiff degrees of freedom have been suppressed is now clear that it lists nodes. [GSA-6948]
# Build 10.1.67
May 2023
GSA 10.1 Build 67 is a minor update that resolves the network licensing issue when opening more than one instance of the program.
# Bug fixes
- GSA no longer consumes extra license seats on some computers when opening more than one instance of GSA. [GSA-6820]
# Build 10.1.66
May 2023
GSA 10.1 Build 66 includes an update to the StatiCa export function so that it now supports IDEA StatiCa V21, V22 and V23.
# Features
- GSA's StatiCa export now supports export of connections to IDEA StatiCa V21, V22 and V23. [GSA-4546, GSA-5079]
- GSA .NET API now has the function to work with Entity Lists. [GSA-6595]
# Bug fixes
- GSA's StatiCa export now works for members/elements that have a defined name in the member or element properties. [GSA-5077]
- The exported forces/moments from GSA's StatiCa export are now consistently in the correct direction. [GSA-4491]
- GSA's StatiCa export no longer requires users to have admin right for their computer. [GSA-2933]
# Build 10.1.65
April 2023
GSA 10.1 Build 65 introduces a new feature in the steel designer that allows users to contour the effective length and effective length ratio for members. The Australian and Hong Kong steel codes have been updated to AS 4100-2020 and HK COP 2011 (2021 edition). There is also the ability to override the equivalent uniform moment for lateral torsional buckling in steel design checks to a number of codes. A number of bug fixes are also included in this release including in the design-analysis layer synchronisation, steel designer, various output options, .NET API and the export to IFC funtion.
# Features
- GSA can now plot contours of actual effective lengths used in steel designer calculations as well as the effective length to member length ratio. [GSA-5763,GSA-4726] Both these values would change along the length of the member, depending on the intermediate restraint conditions. The following contouring options are now available for viewing effective lengths in GSA:
- Effective Length, Major
- Effective Length, Minor
- Effective Length, LT
- Le/(Span Length), Major
- Le/(Span Length), Minor
- Le/(Span Length), LT
- Le/(Member Length), Major
- Le/(Member Length), Minor
- Le/(Member Length), LT
- Steel design codes have now been updated to include AS 4100-2020 and HK COP 2011 (2021 edition). [GSA-5506,GSA-5825]
- GSA can now allow the user to override the default equivalent uniform moment factor in lateral torsional buckling design equations for AISC 360, BS5950, all Eurocode 3 National Annexes, CSA S16, IS 800, LRFD3 and SANS 10162. [GSA-5800,[GSA-6122,GSA-6123,GSA-6124,GSA-6125,GSA-6127,GSA-6143,GSA-6153,GSA-6212]
- The member properties pane will now display a compact text and link to the relevant section of the documentation website in the Design options for effective length pane. The "lateral torsional buckling factor" has been renamed to "Equivalent uniform moment factor for LTB." [GSA-6617]
- Output views will now default to "Fully populate fields" in the Spreadsheet formats section. [GSA-6624]
- Units now always appear above the column headers in output views to facilitate easier filtering. [GSA-6643]
- GSA .NET API now has the function to apply automatic end offsets to members. [GSA-6594]
- GSA .NET API now sets Prop2D Load Panel type to be "Automatic" by default. [GSA-6609]
# Bug fixes
- Member topology definitions are now correctly being validated. Circular references in topology definitions (first and last nodes being same) are now flagged as errors in GSA. [GSA-6009]
- 1D member automatic offsets are now recalculated when the member causing the offset is deleted. [GSA-5217]
- "Maximum distance from centre line" tolerance will no longer collapse members in unintended ways. [GSA-5805]
- The offset for members is no longer lost when saving to file if the only offset is axial at end 2. [GSA-5996]
- GSA can now export and import models to and from IFC. [GSA-6148]
- GSA now maintains response spectrum parameters after saving to file. [GSA-6373]
- GSA no longer crashes when going back from Sheet Pile Section view to Explicit Section view. [GSA-6468,[GSA-6518]
- When modelled incorrectly, GSA now gives error messages with clear explanations of a solid area definition for 2D members. [GSA-6583]
- GSA can now analyse a model when the mass of a mass property is set to zero for one of the stages in staged analysis. [GSA-6648,GSA-6649]
- Forces and reactions are now correctly reported for nodal spring supports. [GSA-6652,GSA-5450]
# Design and analysis layer sync
- GSA can now update members from elements using Model > Coordination tools > Synchronise members and elements. We are working on improving the warning and error messages if it is not able to complete the synchronise action for a future release. [GSA-2921,GSA-4158,GSA-2991,GSA-4571,GSA-4696,GSA-6381,GSA-4456,GSA-4213]
- Creating elements from members no longer creates unintended sub-spans or distorts the members. [GSA-4342]
- 1D members defined by more than two nodes (e.g. arcs) now correctly reports the constituent elements. [GSA-2622]
- Member-element relationship for 1D members defined by more than two nodes (e.g. arcs) is now able to synchronise the elements for each segment of the member. [GSA-4176]
- Model > Coordination tools > Delete elements from members is now able to handle 1D members defined by more than two nodes (e.g. arcs). [GSA-6599,GSA-4934]
- Design layer no longer becomes incorrectly defined after creating elements from members. [GSA-6397]
# Steel designer
- Steel design restraint preferences are now saved upon closing and reopening GSA. [GSA-5711]
- Graphic view outputs for Le/(Span Length) ratio now displays values consistent with tabular outputs. [GSA-6261]
- Shear factor calculation for the code AS4100-98 have been updated to correctly match the code requirements for the clause 15.12.3. [GSA-6487]
- Moment capacity calculations for class 4 PFC and I sections have been updated to correctly match the code requirements for clause 13.5(c) of CSA S16-09, CSA S16-14 and clause 13.5(c) of SANS 10162:1-2011. [GSA-6488]
- A column header in the Steel Design Effective Length table has been renamed from "Subspan" to "Span" with "Span" defined as the segment of a member between two bracing points in the specified direction of bending. [GSA-6497]
- GSA no longer crashes when opening Steel Design Effective Length output view for a model containing dummy members. [GSA-6277]
# Outputs
- Viewing assembly displacements from response spectrum analysis will not crash GSA even though the associated modal analysis task has some modes without results. [GSA-5261]
- Section modifiers are now reported as a percentage when they're set as a percentage. [GSA-5352]
- Case Permutation Factors output can now filter for specific permutations (CNPn) other than the first permutation (CNP1). [GSA-5299]
- The graphics option to display "Constant size on nodes and 1D entities" will no longer render black contours on 1D elements. [GSA-5779,GSA-6328]
- GSA no longer crashes when trying to save a graphic view to image if model's file path includes the % character. [GSA-6391]
- Graphic windows no longer freeze when displaying "Thermal in-plane loading" contours on 2D elements. [GSA-6622]
- The result output tables no longer show empty fields for combination cases containing an "or 0" component. [GSA-6604]
- "Envelope subject component only" results now use the correct max/min permutation for each position on elements. [GSA-6605]
- .NET API catalogue section profile descriptions now include the catalogue date (instead of "S/S" for superseded catalogues). [GSA-6364]
- Clear error messages are now displayed when attempting to analyse a task not yet available in the .NET API. [GSA-6241]
- .NET API now returns results for combination cases that include 'max', 'min' or 'abs' in their description. [GSA-6241]
# Build 10.1.64
February 2023
GSA 10.1 Build 64 introduces a new feature that allows GSA to remain responsive while large output views are being calculated and populated in the background. It also includes various other speed improvements, more documentation on the website and bug fixes for assemblies, GsRevit and results computation.
# Features
- GSA now remains responsive when computing large output views - the output view will be computed in the background allowing the user to use the rest of GSA UI. [GSA-6442]
# Documentation Updates
- Tutorial for saved graphic and output views is now available on the documentation website. [GSA-5848]
- Tutorial for how to debug models is now available on the documentation website. [GSA-5849]
- How-to guide for GsRevit plugin is now available on the documentation website. [GSA-5845]
- How-to guide for bridge analysis is now available on the documentation website. [GSA-5862]
- Face loads documentation for 3D elements have been updated. [GSA-4767]
- A Help button has been added to the Effective Length and Other Design Options page of the Member wizard. [GSA-6363]
# Bug Fixes
- Sculpt command for generating assemblies for 2D members is now working as expected and can create assemblies as per the inputs given, except when member is referenced in a block definition. [GSA-4890]
- Self weight is now being properly calculated for castellated beams. [GSA-5566]
- Non-ASCII characters in the file name of a model no longer prevents analysis from running. [GSA-6235]
- GSA now correctly generates element loads for tapered rod and bar elements. [GSA-6472]
- GSA no longer crashes during analysis when a preload is applied to a beam element with releases. [GSA-6538]
- GSA now reports a warning when a load is applied to a joint node that is not attached to any elements. [GSA-6557]
# Results and Outputs
- The total loads and reactions output view is now consistent with the grid view and CSV export. Note that this results in a slight format change to the CSV export - the total loads and total reactions are now within a single table rather than two separate tables. The "sum of sums" is also included in the exported table. [GSA-6406]
- GSA now reports nodal reactions for combinations where the node is only restrained in some permutations. [GSA-6448]
- GSA can now display signed average derived stress and max shear results for 3D elements. [GSA-6469]
- Rounding errors in numeric outputs using scientific and engineering format have been resolved. [GSA-6484]
- The column headers in the dynamic details grid output view now aligned with table content. [GSA-6481]
- Some text formatting issues in Hong Kong steel design verbose output have been resolved. [GSA-6528]
- GSA no longer crashes when deleting results/analysing when multiple output views are open and the views are rendered in separate threads. [GSA-6495]
- GSA no longer crashes when multiple 1D element force and moment output views are open and analysis is run. [GSA-6502]
# GsRevit
- GsRevit now able to import a GSA model from the analysis layer. [GSA-5987]
- GsRevit is now able to import and export an arc type member between GSA and Revit. [GSA-5995]
- GsRevit is now able to map GSA section profiles with appended date. [GSA-6013]
# Steel Design
- Major and minor axis shear calculations are now correctly displayed (longer being switched) in "Steel Design Calcs" CSA design code. [GSA-6246,GSA-6430]
- Minor axis shear utlisation is now being reported in "Steel Utilisation" table for CSA design code. [GSA-6430]
- GSA no longer crashes when clicking the "Steel design…" button in the section wizard. [GSA-6380]
- The steel effective lengths factors contour can now display different values along the length of the member. [GSA-5758]
- GSA now returns the correct values when interpolating 'C values' from Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 in Eurocode 3 Non-Contradictory Complementary Information SN006a-EN-EU NCCI: elastic critical moment of cantilevers (and now consistently returns zero when outside the range covered by the table). [GSA-6428]
# Build 10.1.63
GSA 10.1 Build 63 now links all help buttons in GSA to the documentation website (opens new window), unifying all GSA documentation to a single location. It also includes drastic speed improvements for displaying results, improved transparency for steel member effective lengths as well as a number of bug fixes.
# Documentation
- All help links in GSA now redirect to the documentation website [GSA-6279,GSA-6271]
- Feature titles on the documentation website homepage are now clickable [GSA-6374]
- Search functionality on the documentation website is now improved [GSA-6082]
- The following pages are now available on the documentation website:
- GSA output reference [GSA-6224]
- GSA third party components [GSA-6193]
- Tutorial for setting up 2D member properties [GSA-6258]
- How-To Guide for assemblies [GSA-5868]
- Tutorial for how to create analysis tasks [GSA-5850]
- Tutorial for visualising model properties [GSA-5846]
- Various GWA keywords that were not documented in build 62 have been re-added to the documentation site [GSA-6314]
- The documentation for custom results option for analysis tasks in GWA now includes the meaning of "B" [GSA-6313]
# Speed Improvements for Results
- Footfall analysis now parallelised - speed c. 8-10x faster for typical modern laptops
- Steel design speed improvements
- Up to 6x faster to produce contours and verbose calculations [GSA-6378]
- Results are no longer recalculated when refreshing graphic views or updating contour settings
- Many diagrams (e.g. 1D element force/moment diagrams) 2x faster
- Various other speed improvements
# Features
The Steel member effective lengths output view now shows elements per span. Additionally, the effective length ratio now shows the ratio to both member length and span length [GSA-6026]
GsRevit now supports Revit 2023 [GSA-6039]
Collapse node function is now available in the .NET API [GSA-6412]
# Bug Fixes
Improved error reporting regarding modelling errors [GSA-6375]
Fixed occasional crashes via GSA .NET API when analysing or extracting results from a model [GSA-6280, GSA-6032]
Bridge beam catalogue type TYE10 had one coordinate defined wrongly, this has now been corrected [GSA-6307]
Synchronise Member and Element is now able to handle member list inputs of any length. [GSA-5895]
Selecting Advanced when defining the member internal restraints on the Property pane now takes the user to the Member internal restraints definition wizard [GSA-6262]
GSA no longer encounters a convergence problem for models with both beam elements and nonlinear elements (e.g. Tie and Strut elements) when there are no loads on the beam elements [GSA-5394]
GSA no longer crashes if you open the contour specification dialog and click OK without entering any values [GSA-6351]
Modifying a steel material in a way that does not affect design (e.g. the material's colour) no longer means the material is considered user defined for the purpose of design. Note, this means that some materials that were previously user defined are now not, meaning that strength reduction factors relating to the standard material are now applied, which might result in increases in utilisation ratios for the same model. [GSA-6347]
Steel design calculations now always use the material's design stiffness [GSA-6346]
When 1D element section shapes are rendered in a deformed view, the shape now remains perpendicular to the deformed element centreline. [GSA-6308]
When an analysis task with custom result options is saved to GWA, the custom selection is now maintained after opening (or pasting) the GWA [GSA-6255]
When opening a model with warning messages, the messages are no longer repeated [GSA-6227]
Eigenvalue analyses (e.g. modal analysis) are now able to complete when the file name contains special characters [GSA-5685]
# Build 10.1.62
GSA 10.1, build 62 is an update which includes GsRevit support for Revit 2022, as well as a number of bug fixes targeting GsRevit, effective length definition, material definition and the mysterious Pardiso analysis error message. The documentation for GSA can also now be found at https://docs.oasys-software.com/structural/gsa (opens new window).
# Features
- GsRevit now supports Revit 2022 [GSA-5556]
- The properties pane now includes an explanation of the steel member design overrides [GSA-5820]
# Deprecated Features
- The linear soil material model is removed from GSA. Any files containing a linear soil will get that material removed and results are erased [GSA-6022]
- Stresses are no longer calculated for infinite 3D brick elements [GSA-6132]
# Bug Fixes
# GsRevit
- GsRevit now imports and exports the entity's name from Revit's Mark parameter [GSA-5622]
- GsRevit now correctly parses arc through node and import wall and slab in Revit [GSA-5623]
- GsRevit now correctly exports load cases from Revit to GSA [GSA-5627]
- GsRevit is now no longer terminating while parsing corrupted extensible storage schema [GSA-5655]
- GsRevit now correctly parses section description as per high-level mapping and creates new family name in SI units [GSA-5715]
- GsRevit now searchs sub-directory to find and load mapped Revit family [GSA-5539]
# Effective Length Definition
- GSA now correctly applies the user-specified relative effective length to a member if they are defined in the member properties pane and the model length-large unit is not set to metres. A warning message will be shown for models that may have been affected by this bug that was present in builds 60 and 61 [GSA-6264]
# Material Definition
- Incorrect error message about Poisson's ratio for orthotropic material now reports inconsistent properties [GSA-4787]
- Defining a new material grade in the element properties of the new model wizard no longer causes GSA to crash [GSA-6103]
- The material analysis properties are now checked if the property references this through the material grade rather than directly as an analysis material [GSA-6139]
- GSA now handles inconsistent elastic material properties (E, ν and G) by separating the deviatoric and distortion components of stiffness and thus preserving symmetry. For example, GSA will switch to using a non-isotropic formulation of the material matrix when shear modulus is modified for an isotropic material [GSA-6035]
# Model Locking
The following tables are now locked if there are any relevant results [GSA-6008]:
- Alignment
- Bridge Loading
- Constraint Equation
- Element
- Generalised Restraint
- Influence Effect
- Joint
- Matrix
- Node
- Path Loading
- Path
- Pile Interaction
- Pile Soil Curve
- Pile Soil Properties
- Raft Interaction
- Raft Nonlinear Curve
- Raft Soil Load
- Rigid Constraint
- Soil Profile
- Soil Zone
- Tied Interface
- Variable UDL
# Other
- The Pardiso error message has been replaced by a more descriptive message indicating that the stiffness matrix is either singular or ill-conditioned [GSA-6042]
- Models with 2D properties now takes less time to open [GSA-6023]
- GSA no longer freezes when labeling member restraints [GSA-6238]
- GsaRegister.exe now has the same version number as GSA.exe [GSA-6093]
- GSA no longer crashes when analysing models with spring stiffness added to certain nodes [GSA-6149]
# Documentation Updates
Documentation for GSA can now be found at https://docs.oasys-software.com/structural/gsa (opens new window). The following is a list of new additions to the site.
- The documentation website now includes GSA Theory (opens new window) [GSA-5835]
- The documentation website now includes GSA Getting Started tutorial (opens new window) [GSA-5839]
- The documentation website now includes tutorial for setting up basic loading for a model (opens new window) [GSA-5840]
- The documentation website now includes tutorial on how to set up grid planes and grid loads (opens new window) [GSA-5841]
- The documentation website now includes tutorial on 2D members (opens new window) [GSA-5842]
- The documentation website now includes tutorial on 2D member design (opens new window) [GSA-5843]
- The documentation website now includes tutorials and explanations for GSAGH components (opens new window) [GSA-5844]
- The documentation website now includes tutorial on how to visualize model results (opens new window) [GSA-5847]
# Build 10.1.61
GSA 10.1, build 61 is a minor update to incorporate three bug fixes related to the meshing of 2D members.
# Bug Fixes
- GSA now creates a node at the intersection of two 2D members which lie in two different different planes and have an edge intersecting within the tolerance distance [GSA-5944]
- GSA no longer crashes for some configurations of 2D member geometry [GSA-6086]
- GSA now creates a conforming mesh along an intersection between 2D members where the intersection line is crossed by an internal line segment on either member [GSA-6087]
# Build 10.1.60
GSA 10.1, build 60 is an update which includes new API functionality, the ability to specify overrides for steel design variables and new meshing features.
It also includes a number of bug fixes to targeting model crashing during analysis and results computation, model locking and meshing.
# Features
- The .NET API now has the ability to set end releases to members [GSA-5495]
- The .NET API now has the ability to set release stiffness to elements [GSA-5495]
- The .NET API now has the ability to add/modify section modifiers [GSA-5809]
- The .NET API now has the ability assign the "IsIntersector" Member attribute [GSA-5498]
- Bar, Rod, Strut and Tie element results are now available through the .NET API [GSA-5500]
- It is now possible to create a clone (deep copy) of a model using the .NET API [GSA-5536]
- When extracting 1D elements results for combination cases using the .NET API there is now an option to exclude strain energy results, which can be used to speed up the results extraction [GSA-5675]
- GSA will now fail to open a gwb file with errors when operating with the API, instead of ignoring them [GSA-5883]
# Steel Designer
- Steel design calculation variables for Equivalent Uniform Moment Factor for LTB (previously known as Lateral Torsional Buckling Factor) and Moment Amplification Factors can now be overridden. (Note: these options are only available for select design codes - see below for details) [GSA-5802]
- The moment amplification factor for steel design can now be overridden for HK CoP 2011 [GSA-5547]
- The Equivalent Uniform Moment Factor for LTB (mLT) for steel design can now be overridden for HK CoP 2011 [GSA-5548]
- The Equivalent Uniform Moment Factor for LTB (alpha_m) for steel design can now be overridden for AS 4100 [GSA-5744]
- Member effective length options are now directly accessible in the Member properties panel [GSA-5803]
# Meshing
- Improvements have been made to the meshing functions in GSA including speed improvements when checking for 2D elements generated within voids, better noding out of mesh, improvements to mesh generation with internal points and better handling of small void cutters [GSA-5692]
- GSA can now mesh 3D Members with holes through them [GSA-5609]
- GSA now provides a warning when a member's nodes do not exist [GSA-2369]
- GSA now preserves the 2D member's mesh size when applying automatic internal offsets around circular 1D members [GSA-2689]
- GSA now provides a warning when a 2D member definition is non-planar [GSA-3035,GSA-2049]
- When a 2D member's mesh size is larger than the mesh size of its perimeter nodes, the elements now get larger as the distance from the edges increases [GSA-3365]
# Deprecated Features
- The non-functioning FAQ link from the GSA splash screen has been removed [GSA-5819]
# Bug Fixes
# General
- For users using European locale settings, some preferences were previously set to zero [resulting in, for example, the inability to zoom the graphic view]. The preferences of affected users will be reset on first use of the latest version of GSA [GSA-5281]
- The "Select by criteria" command can now be used to select any member type [no longer limited to "Generic 1D" members] [GSA-4772]
- Reading and writing GWA files is now slightly faster [GSA-5714]
# Analysis
- GSA no longer crashes when when analyzing a model with a large number of ground springs [GSA-5036]
- GSA no longer crashes when re-running a buckling analysis where results now exist for modes that were discarded in the previous solution [GSA-5606]
- The modal mass and modal stiffness are no longer incorrectly being calculated for models with higher order elements [GSA-5874]
- GSA now produces the correct error message when Joints and Rigid Constraints are connected inappropriately [GSA-4883]
- GSA no longer produces an incorrect error message of "Link Element Constrained Nodes Cannot be Primary node of Rigid Constraint" in certain models. [GSA-4897]
# Results
- 1D Member span to max deflection ratio now gives the correct results for combination cases [GSA-3958]
- Node Friction element forces are now correctly calculated and with results shown in graphic and output views [GSA-5310]
- Where a node has spring property and the node is also the constrained node of a constraint equation GSA now reports the reaction force for this node equal to the spring stiffness times nodal displacement [GSA-4622]
- GSA no longer crashes when displaying displacement results for spring elements [GSA-5900]
- Saving a model from the .NET API is now as fast as saving the equivalent model from the GSA application [GSA-5542]
- A crash occurring when some users analyse models using the .NET API has been fixed [GSA-5673]
# Meshing
- Rigid Constraints are no longer duplicated when multiple constraints are created in the same place by Automatic Offset Internal offsets [GSA-3016]
- The default member lists provided in the "Create elements from members" dialog can now be used without an "invalid member list" warning appearing [GSA-4127]
- 2D member z-axes now correspond with the property's axis, even when the property axis is non-cartesian [GSA-5031]
- Creating elements from members no longer uses nodes that are referred to by invalid members, so the resulting design layer model is not affected by the new nodes [GSA-5483]
- Nodes along an intersection between a 2D member and 2D rigid diaphragm member are now included in the diaphragm constraint [GSA-5568]
- The mesh of a 2D member that cuts another 2D member in the zone of a 1D void cutter void is no longer unnecessarily constrained [GSA-5598]
# Model Locking
- Data are now correctly unlocked if an analysis is terminated before it is completed [GSA-4600]
- Data on 3D property definition wizard now are locked if the 3D property is used in an analysis with analysis results [GSA-4686]
# Documentation Updates
- Help file has been updated to clarify that RC Slab and 2D Member Designer do not check for punching shear. [GSA-5533]
- The help file has been updated to clarify that when the 'Switch off deformed shape when results deleted' is checked, the view will be reset to the undeformed shape when the analysis results are erased [GSA-5339]
- The help file description for the equation for modal damping has been made clearer [GSA-5686]
# Build 10.1.59
GSA 10.1, build 59 is a minor update to incorporate a fix so that GSA no longer crashes when a 2D member has a node list with fewer than 3 unique nodes (eg "1 2 1") [GSA-5881]
# Build 10.1.58
GSA 10.1, build 58 is a minor update to GSA that includes updates to the meshing functions, added API functionality as well as a number of bug fixes
# Features
- Meshing in GSA is now improved with upgrades to 1D and 2D void cutters, rigid cutouts, 2D mesh noding out, 1D/2D element intersections, shape of triangle only mesh, passing through model tolerances [GSA-5543]
- GSA's .NET API can now support adding/modifying section modifiers [GSA-5499]
- The two nodes in a joint no longer need to be assigned the same constraint axis in order for the joint to work as expected. The linked degrees of freedom relate to the axis of the constrained node. The option to create a joint in disparate axes is no longer required and has been removed. [GSA-5573,GSA-5447]
# Deprecated Features
- GsRevit no longer supports Revit 2017 and older [GSA-5525]
# Bug Fixes
# General
- Imperial unit conversions are now more accurate [GSA-5293]
- GSA no longer crashes when attempting to open a file which is not a valid GSA model [GSA-5425]
- Model no longer crashes when deleting nodes in data explorer while in the middle of graphically creating a member or element [GSA-5245]
- GSA no longer crashes when running models with Pyramid 5 elements [GSA-5443]
- Opening of models with mesh preview on is now faster [GSA-4714]
- Element axes can now be displayed for 3D members [GSA-5527]
- Design layer visual information conveying location of member intersections (yellow dots and lines) are no longer visible in the analysis layer [GSA-4626]
- Invalid 2D member topology now produces an error to warn user [GSA-5594]
- Changing the Grid Layout table entries now automatically refreshes the graphical views [GSA-5586]
- 2D property thickness from earlier versions of GSA (GSA 10.1.49 and earlier) is no longer read in with the wrong units when opening the model [GSA-5311]
- Response spectrums are now reading from and writing to GWA file without error with the exception of the Russia standard spectrum [GSA-5347]
# Analysis
- GSA now gives error if joint node constrained axes is not the same as global axes when running explicit analyses [GSA-5654]
- The inertia terms of nodal mass if defined are now being considered in the modal dynamic analysis [GSA-5267]
- The effective bending and shear stiffness of decking or hollow 2D properties is now being correctly used in analysis. Warning has been added to previously analysed models to warn of potential incorrect results. [GSA-5282]
- User is now warned if trying to apply a load to rod elements in a direction and location where that degree of freedom does not exist [GSA-5353]
- Explicit nonlinear analysis task is now saved to GSA file, changes to the task will no longer be lost after saving and re-opening the model [GSA-4674]
- Explicit time history analysis convergence has been improved [GSA-5445]
# Results
- Fully restrained nodes now output zero displacements instead of no results [GSA-5412]
- Errors in interstorey drift calculations have now been resolved [GSA-5220]
- Frequency shift function in modal analysis is now working as expected [GSA-5283]
- Analysis results, which were slightly wrong for 2D element with thermal loads and Allman-Cook formulation, has now been corrected [GSA-5338]
- 1D element rotation results now include the effects of shear deformation [GSA-4590]
- Intermediate rotations are now calculated along the length of 1D elements based on the loading applied to those elements. Previously they were just interpolated between the ends. [GSA-4966]
- Rail factors are no longer missing on bridge path output view [GSA-5386]
- Beam intermediate displacements results are now correct for nonlinear analysis when beam slenderness is considered in the analysis [GSA-5612]
- Unsymmetrical section's principal axis angle is now consistent with what is being reported in 'section details' output view [GSA-5349]
- Moments from rigid constraints are now included in "nodal results - Constraint forces and moments" output view from linear analysis [GSA-3877]
# Documentation Updates
- References and explanation for shear rotation of elements has now been added to Help Files [GSA-5266]
- Clarification has been added to Help Files to explain which eigen solver is being used when there is a frequency shift [GSA-5342]
- In the Help Files, "Create Loads Panels for Element List" is now renamed to "Create Loads Panels on Surface" [GSA-5417]
- Grid layout help file pages are now updated to include information relevant to current version of GSA [GSA-4716]
- The "Getting Started" link on the splash screen now links to the GSA 10.1 document [GSA-5581]
# Build 10.1.57
GSA 10.1, build 57 is a minor update to GSA that includes a number of bug fixes.
Please note that if you have a model that includes a buckling analysis and catalogue angle sections, you should re-run the analysis since the previous results may have constrained the buckling to the geometric axes, as opposed to the principle axes. This only affects some cataloge angle sections.
# Bug Fixes
# Errors
- GSA-5395 The output of "Number of Marked Lanes" is incorrect
- GSA-5346 Critical axial load calculation is not based on Iv
- GSA-5340 Principal axes of Angle sections are ignored in the calculations
- GSA-5302 Environmental parameter units are always converted when reading a file
- GSA-5099 Explicit solver produces cryptic message when the loading includes thermal or prestress loads
# Documentation updates
- GSA-4865 Minor updates/corrections in the COM API manual
- GSA-5184 Clarified the behaviour of Nodes with cylindrical and spherical constraint axes
# Build 10.1.56
GSA 10.1, build 56 is a minor update to GSA. It includes additions to the dotNet API and a number of bug fixes.
# New Features
- GSA-5332 dotNet API updates to support GSA Grasshopper plugin development:
- Results can be extracted for combination cases
- Linear Static Analysis tasks, Combination Cases, Basic Analysis materials, 3D element properties and Bool6s can be created
# Bug Fixes
# Errors
- GSA-4801 Unexpected nodes are getting collapsed when those nodes are within the coincident tolerance.
- GSA-5285 Maximum soil pressure limit does not work for some models in Raft analysis
- GSA-5222 Element strain energy results from buckling analysis are not available and/or incorrect
- GSA-4921 3D members generate TETRA4 elements with negative volume
- GSA-3401 Torce line diagram not working
- GSA-5398 GSA sometimes crashes on installation
- GSA-5313 Unable to export LS-DYNA keyword file from the GSA UI
- GSA-5291 3D elements are excluded from the environmental summary
# Model Management Issues
- GSA-5264 Records on data tables can be inserted even though the records have been locked by analysis results
- GSA-5211 2D load panel properties that are not loaded are not locked after analysis
# Documentation updates
- GSA-5016 Unclear definition of sliding cables in the help file
- GSA-5001 Clarify difference between Frequency Shift and Cut-offs
- GSA-4178 Saved image settings - Help guide update
- GSA-5319 GWA syntax for PROP_2D.8 is not documented
# Build 10.1.55
# New Features
- GSA-4027 GSA can now connect to Arup's Veracity database to import embodied carbon values for materials (Note, this feature is only available for Arup staff)
- As part of this change, material environmental parameters are now measured per unit mass (previously per unit volume). This aligns more closely with available data. Relevant environmental parameters in existing models will be converted (based on the material's density) when the file is opened.
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-5256 Link element property type 'Custom' is only available for GSS solver and not for GsRelax solver, but help manual got it wrong and needs updating
- GSA-5238 Typo in the COM API reference manual
- GSA-5236 Face loads are not expanded after splitting 1D elements
- GSA-5224 Help file modelling limitations on GsRelax nonlinear analysis entry incomplete
- GSA-5210 Load applied to load panels without bounding elements is lost without warning
- GSA-5190 RC slab reinforcement output for combination cases does not detail the corresponding permutation number
- GSA-5156 Change in Load panel support pattern is ignored in analysis
- GSA-5138 GSA crashes when expanding ill-defined grid loads
- GSA-5088 Copying from Soil Profiles table crashes GSA
- GSA-4969 GSA sometimes crashes when doing steel design calculations to AISC LRFD 3rd Edition
- GSA-4615 Flip 1D Members command not flipping member end restraints, releases and offsets correctly
- GSA-4586 Unable to launch Help file for Environmental impacts Wizard
- GSA-3715 Error in Annotating Assembly Contours and Diagrams when Assembly type is Members
# Build 10.1.54
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-5209 2D load panel properties that are loaded are not locked after analysis
- GSA-5174 There is an error on help manual about section modifier to mass calculation
- GSA-5054 Dummy status of elements is lost when importing GWA format
- GSA-5045 GSA crashes when opening chart view to see time history analysis results
- GSA-4982 GSA crashes when displaying members in the format XYnode
- GSA-4975 Areas of 2D members incorrectly reported as zero
# Build 10.1.53
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-4942 GSA crashes when deleting elements from members while an output view is open
- GSA-4770 Design task saved on GWA file cannot be opened
# Build 10.1.52
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-5151 GSA crashes when analysing a model with coincident nodes within a 2D member's elements (or on file open if results are saved)
- GSA-5143 Results are sometimes varying when multiple Analysis Cases are defined in a single Analysis Task when compared to the single Analysis Case defined in a Analysis Task
- GSA-5139 Explicit section properties have zero values after opening a file
- GSA-5050 Shear area factors and torsional constant are calculated wrongly for tapered sections
- GSA-5043 Grid area loads are not distributed correctly to beam elements that have axial offsets.
- GSA-4998 GSA crashes when outputting beam section summary if there is an ill-defined section property
- GSA-4939 User defined decking profile dimensions cannot be modified
- GSA-4896 GSA crashes when Analysis Envelope Task is run with missing Analysis Tasks
- GSA-4779 Reduction factors incorrectly applied on adjacent lanes for Australian bridge analysis in some cases
- GSA-4774 Static analysis gives wrong beam element axial force and unbalanced nodal forces
- GSA-4764 GSA 10.0 model gives different results in 10.1
- GSA-4631 Values of "Ky/Ku" and "Kz/Kv" are interchanged and are not showing as expected in "Section Analysis properties Output"
- GSA-4619 Setting pile soil interaction coefficients in the properties table can cash GSA
- GSA-3803 Nonlinear analysis results are incorrect with tie elements
- GSA-3688 1D element internal displacements not accounting for geometric stiffness in non-linear analysis cases
- GSA-2959 GSA expands lists that refer to ambiguous named lists/assemblies without error
# Build 10.1.51
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-5085 GSA crashes when choosing the option to not open a locked file
- GSA-5075 Section property data in the row below is overwritten if the section wizard is triggered when editing a cell
- GSA-5069 GSA crashes when opening model with complex line segment section geometry
- GSA-5052 GSA crashes when the model has an error in reading the modules
- GSA-5037 Beam stresses are incorrect when section uses principal axes
- GSA-5013 GsRelax analysis gives 'An unexpected error ..." message and no analysis results
- GSA-5008 Walk load strings in Australian bridge code and load class in US code are incorrect
- GSA-5007 Parameters for Australian and US bridge codes are not written to GWA file correctly (and the resulting GWA file cannot be opened)
- GSA-4971 The word "moment" is spelt wrong in the Residual target wizard
- GSA-4936 2D Element Prestress dialog not showing correct values when units are other than SI
- GSA-4821 Explicit time history analysis ignoring damping
- GSA-4775 Error in reading member module of sample file in latest GSA
- GSA-4757 Grid loads are not expanded when analysing a model using the .NET API
- GSA-4537 Aus and US bridge design codes specifications are not written or read from GWA format
- GSA-4524 The |Mx|+|Mxy| and |My|+|Mxy| moments are incorrectly labelled
- GSA-3964 Boussinesq method crashes Raft analysis
- GSA-3912 Some perimeter sections appear hollow in the 3D graphic view
- GSA-3441 Explicit solver does not prevent analysis with load types (prestresses and thermal) that it does not support
# Build 10.1.50
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-5017 GWA command GET_ALL, MAT_ALUMINIUM.9 is not working
- GSA-5011 GSA can crash in some instances when trying to delete analysis tasks
- GSA-5010 Updates needed to COM API sample links in the online documentation
- GSA-4995 Nodal masses are double counted in modal analyses when gravity loads are included
- GSA-4991 Bridge specification cannot be opened if bridge code is UK_BD86_SV-Train
- GSA-4949 2D members are unable to mesh when the adjacent/coinciding 2D voids cutters are defined.
- GSA-4925 2D elements offsets are not applied if the 2D property's axis is cylindrical
- GSA-4894 Analysis tasks not providing results when run with some other tasks
- GSA-4851 Section volume modifier does not have any effect on mass in Dynamic analysis
- GSA-4794 Nominal member moment capacity (Mb) and Moment modification factor (alpha_m) are wrongly calculated (AS4100)
- GSA-4727 Some of the links in help file do not lead to the correct location
- GSA-4705 Parts of grid area load contours are not drawn
- GSA-4628 Soap film form finding crashing GSA
- GSA-4617 Ellipse section equation error
- GSA-4595 Grid load not showing in contours
- GSA-4386 The response spectrum damping is modified (by a factor of 100) after opening previous version GSA files
- GSA-3941 GSA fails to export models to IFC
- GSA-3833 Some complex perimeter section profiles do not render as 3D solids correctly
- GSA-3805 Opening multiple saved graphic views can crash GSA
- GSA-3797 GWA export not working for user modules on entities that don't exist in the model
- GSA-3350 Incorrect (zero) contact pressure after running Raft Analysis
- GSA-3292 Contour for Grid area load doesn't match with actual grid area loading
# Build 10.1.49
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-4958 Fix User Feedback link for external build
- GSA-4947 Some of the links on the GSA welcome dialog are broken
- GSA-4924 Output of Concrete Slab Calculation Properties headers are wrong
- GSA-4917 Fix crashing problem on external version of GSA
- GSA-4908 Catalogue decking profile of 2D property cannot be changed from decking wizard
- GSA-4885 Applying 3D element results contour is crashing GSA
- GSA-4872 GSA crashes when editing a model while the graphic view is set to a particular stage
- GSA-4858 GSA menu "Help | User Feedback..." links to an inactive site
- GSA-4850 GSA crashes while extracting All Input Data for models with grid surfaces
- GSA-4848 ADC export crashes GSA
- GSA-4845 2D properties on decking slabs have incorrect self weight
- GSA-4837 GSA crashes when defining the 1D section property from "Data generation wizard"
- GSA-4825 Occasional crash in analysis and list tools
- GSA-4580 Projected forces are incorrect for the selected axis on output view if 2D elements use user defined axis
- GSA-4487 Grid window Output for Dynamic details is not as expected
- GSA-4376 Assembly results are missing from 3D elements
- GSA-4358 Issue in applying contours for multiple Grid Area loads with different load case specifications
- GSA-4345 Incorrect storey height in Assembly
- GSA-3340 Show all grid loads if the Global Grid is set
- GSA-3011 Assembly displacements and rotations are sometimes inaccurate when they contain 1D elements
- GSA-2831 Fix display of grid loads applied on all planes
# Build 10.1.48
# New Features
- GSA-4673 GsRevit has been updated for Revit 2021
- GSA-4870 Export Body Face Loads to DYNA
- GSA-4807 Create a Sculpt option to create a wall/core assembly
- GSA-4572 Export results and supporting model data to csv and sql files
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-4891 GSA crashes on erasing results while assembly displacements/rotations are shown on graphic
- GSA-4888 GSA crashes when doing volume operation on graphic when the model contains assemblies that refer to nodes that are not in the model
- GSA-4861 3D property table crashing when material type is set to undefined
- GSA-4835 Show/Hide Assemblies missing in Member selection field
- GSA-4817 Response Spectrum data saved to GWA file cannot be re-opened
- GSA-4811 Grid surface GWA does not correctly include the span direction
- GSA-4808 Springs property table - lockup dimension always in metres
- GSA-4799 Assembly colour is too close to the Beam colour
- GSA-4710 Some data types are missing SIDs when exported to GWA
- GSA-4660 Raft analysis crashes GSA when graphic view is on design layer
- GSA-4656 Redundant Button (Grid Loads to Beam loads..) in Grid/face loading menu
- GSA-4643 Material Partial safety factor (γm) is applied twice for RC slab calculations in GSA 10.1
- GSA-4467 Applied displacement are not working properly for multiple displacements in a case
- GSA-4344 Assembly results are different from Storey forces and moments
- GSA-4314 Exported Footfall Responses (csv) file has some data alignment issues
# Build 10.1.47
# Buckling and Dynamic Analysis
A new Lanczos-based eigensolver (known as Spectra) has been added to GSA, reducing the analysis time for these types of task. This new option is now available through the advanced solver settings. The legacy subspace iteration (jacobi) solver has been removed.
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-4832 Update help for chains of constraints
- GSA-4824 A message warning of ill-defined elements is displayed when opening models saved by old versions of GSA, regardless of any errors.
- GSA-4819 GWA documentation for DESIGN_TASK has 'case' and 'member list' fields in the wrong order
- GSA-4814 Removal of Grid Node references from help file
- GSA-4802 GSA crashes while erasing the results by switching on the Assembly contours
- GSA-4798 Body face loads are not include in wedge, tetra and pyramid elements
- GSA-4796 Heading of Flex Line of nodes wizard/dialog is mentioned as 'B'
- GSA-4783 The Volume display is clashing with lists and assemblies
- GSA-4771 Clarify composite slab span effects
- GSA-4763 Write Wedge, Pyramid and Tetra elements to DYNA keyword file
- GSA-4706 Bridge wheel load incorrect for AS5100 HLP400 design code
- GSA-4611 Graphic view results not updating automatically after rerunning the analysis
- GSA-4588 Assembly force and moment diagram partly disappears when switching on the deformed image
- GSA-4348 Stepped force diagram for Assemblies and storey force chart view
- GSA-4218 Updates to member restraint help pages
- GSA-4134 Contouring assembly moment Myy does not show all bending moments along the assembly
- GSA-4130 Volume operation does not work well when there are assemblies in the model
- GSA-4041 Assemblies are not being listed in the Assembly display
- GSA-4040 Treat nodes in assemblies as locked
- GSA-4006 Volume Cutting is not working as expected in X Elevation
- GSA-3988 Assembly using circular arc curve fitting does not work well
- GSA-3987 Results in assemblies defined by storey do not have step-change at the storey level
- GSA-3714 Assembly contours not always visible from all angles
- GSA-2830 Volume command incorrectly clips members in the analysis layer
- GSA-2773 Assembly axis and shape preferences do not persist when saved in a "startup" graphic view
- GSA-2772 When assembly axes and shapes are viewed, the shape is drawn in the wrong colour
- GSA-1562 Raft and Pile interaction areas only visible from one side
# Build 10.1.46
# Sample models and API code samples
Sample GSA models (opens new window) and API code samples (opens new window) have been moved online (they were previously located in GSA's installation folder). These links are accessible from the Help menu in the GSA application.
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-4760 GSA not saving stress results for 3D elements to gwa files
- GSA-4758 The storey inertia forces table is blank
- GSA-4756 X and Y Storey drifts interchanged
- GSA-4743 Dyna analysis task cannot be run from GsaShell
- GSA-4728 Some combination of restraints are not saved after being modified in the member restraints dialog
- GSA-4720 GET ALL 2D prestress loads via the GWA command is not working
- GSA-4704 GSA theory manual needs updating for Spring, Mass and Damper nodal properties
- GSA-4702 Bridge analysis does not produce results when the vehicle is longer than the alignment
- GSA-4700 Tendon Prestress loads not generating warnings or errors on static nonlinear analysis
- GSA-4695 Section profile and its properties are getting changed (from its initial section definition) when the Section catalogue wizard is accessed
- GSA-4678 Error in calculation of Wood-Armer moments for a combination case
- GSA-4677 Automatic intermediate restraints calculation should ignore dummy members
- GSA-4648 Raft soil profiles not copying to GWA correctly
- GSA-4561 Internal displacements on beams are not accounting for shear deformations correctly
- GSA-4418 Bridge loading using a defined code, gives no warnings when path loading also manually defined
- GSA-4144 Soil profile GWA does not include the layer name
# Build 10.1.45
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-4740 - COM API and Output DataRef files are inconsistent regarding how to specify enumns
- GSA-4739 - COM API manual has wrong argument for Output_NumElemPos
- GSA-4734 - Update Getting Started guide
- GSA-4717 - CISC Catalogue sections are not available in the drop down and the profile for 'Angle Back to Back' sections are not displayed in the Section profile text box
- GSA-4715 - Stress is wrongly calculated with a defined creep coefficient in Analysis stage and Stage Materials
- GSA-4708 - Clicking status bar units crashes GSA if table view is active
- GSA-4684 - Opening GSA 9.0 model sometimes crashes in GSA 10.1
- GSA-4397 - Models with invalid chains of constraints are not reported as errors and can produce incorrect results
# Build 10.1.44
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-4718 - Output view is inconsistent if multiple analysis cases are specified
- GSA-4712 - GSA not writing shell elements properly to LS-DYNA keyword files
- GSA-4711 - Dynamic analysis defaulting to not storing velocities
- GSA-4703 - PDF documents have unexpected blue stripe on second page
- GSA-4697 - GSA crashes when doing bridge analysis on models with gaps in beam influence effects table
- GSA-4690 - Remove deprecation warning from COM API manual
- GSA-4671 - 2D member design check crashes when a member has no reinforcement defined
- GSA-4616 - Grid line loads expansion issues incorrect severe warning
- GSA-4539 - Paths are locked and can't be edited or deleted after bridge analysis results are deleted
- GSA-4533 - Table columns are not aligned for steel design effective length output
- GSA-4525 - Node loads applied to non-stiff degrees of freedom (eg zz loads on a quadratic element) are ignored without warning/error
- GSA-4476 - Renumber nodes along vector is giving random and unexpected node numbering
- GSA-4445 - Unable to add reinforcement description in the wizard view of 2D Member
- GSA-4362 - The condition number is not being calculated
- GSA-4217 - Buckling mode shapes are inconsistent when task has shifts
- GSA-4157 - Saved output views are empty after reopening the model
- GSA-3925 - 1D member custom end releases cannot be applied to end 2
- GSA-3376 - GsaComGwaSample.xls not working
- GSA-3184 - Lines or tables get split across pages while printing results/output view
# Build 10.1.43
# Bug Fixes
- GSA-4676 - Remove documentation on Translucency from help guide
- GSA-4667 - Piled raft model crashes
- GSA-4641 - EC3 steel design: Effective length factor for minor axis (kz) is incorrectly calculated when the effective lengths are overridden and the member has multiple spans
- GSA-4639 - zero-stiffness spring giving wrong support reaction in stage
- GSA-4637 - GSA crashes when a staged spring property is set to zero (no spring)
- GSA-4607 - Model with rigid constraints can be analysed in GSA 10.1 build 40, but cannot be analysed by build 41
- GSA-4520 - Renaming GWA-pasted task crashes GSA
- GSA-4464 - GSA crashes when setting the LS Dyna keyword file location
- GSA-4393 - 3D elements not working with orthotropic materials
- GSA-4315 - EC3 steel design: I-Section web classification under compressive loads is incorrect
- GSA-4239 - GSA gives wrong reactions for friction springs
- GSA-4125 - 2D derived stresses, forces and moment - angle to max principal not respecting output axes
- GSA-3952 - Explicit solver crashes this model, with no crash dump
# Build 10.1.42
# New features
- GSA-4164 - Bridge load (ALL2) optimisation to CS454
- GSA-4587 - Add the ability to create elements from members using the COM API
# Bug fixes
- GSA-4630 - The text in German for spring forces is wrong
- GSA-4585 - Help file for Environmental Impacts suggests that there are default values
- GSA-4574 - Variable UDL with Linear type does not observe length transition and load unit settings
- GSA-4565 - Shear stiffness modifier using "modify by" instead of "modify to" when a value is given without percentage sign
- GSA-4563 - Analysis materials can be modified when the model has results
- GSA-4560 - Graphic view is freezing when a section display is viewed for a 1D element without Section profile definition
- GSA-4559 - Legacy ground spring element in vertical axis is not correctly interpreted when opening model in GSA 10.1
- GSA-4519 - Saving model file crashes GSA after pasting Dyna task via GWA
- GSA-4481 - Grid line load on 2D element grid surface gets doubled while expanding when the 2D element size is smaller than the grid load tolerance
- GSA-4405 - Member end restraints not fully accessible in properties pane
- GSA-4378 - Model Tools section of the help file is not in the contents list
- GSA-4233 - Standard VUDL Curve for EC1UK FootOnVerge incorrect
- GSA-4228 - Bridge VUDL dialog for 3 segment linear curve has A2 incorrectly enabled
- GSA-4227 - Bridge VUDL dialog for new user defined curve does has radio buttons incorrectly enabled
# Build 10.1.41
# Model definition performance issues
- GSA-2796 - Rigid constraints generated from member offsets can cause analysis errors
- GSA-3282 - GSA crashes when attempting to view a composite 2D property in the 2D properties table
- GSA-4278 - Accessing Labels & Display Methods after resetting labels causes GSA to crash
- GSA-4426 - Beam member is not auto-restrained vertically by its supporting column when there are perpendicular incoming beams at the joint
- GSA-4437 - Grid area load contours sometimes fail to display
- GSA-4458 - GSA crashes when defining New Load case specification from any load wizard
- GSA-4534 - Design specification lateral torsional default restraints swapped
- GSA-4535 - Major and Minor axis steel buckling restraints only recognising one secondary member
- GSA-4543 - GSA crashes when creating member automatic restraints for members with sections that have undefined profile
# Performance issues during analysis and design tasks
- GSA-4096 - Analysis does not converge for some cable element models with gravity load
- GSA-4383 - Total Loads and Reactions missing for response spectrum analysis
- GSA-4486 - Running periodic excitation analysis with node spring stiffness crashes GSA
# Post-processing and results performance issues
- GSA-3443 - Incorrect displacements / intermediate displacements when principal bending axes selected
- GSA-4453 - Extracting member deflection output for a member list that includes 2D members crashes GSA
- GSA-4512 - Beam Iyy property modification corrupting deflection post-processing
- GSA-4531 - Steel design effective length output does not update when the member effective length calculation method is changed from explicit to automatic
- GSA-4583 - Beam self-weight internal results do not include effect of volume modifier
# Performance issues when reading, importing, exporting files
- GSA-3948 - GWA file is not reflecting the Profile/Thickness of 2D Properties when exported from GWB file
- GSA-4052 - Bug in copying GWA for a 2D property
- GSA-4479 - GWA writing/reading of 2D properties loses the profile information and gets the thickness wrong
- GSA-4485 - Footfall analysis task mode-footfall table not included in GWA data
- GSA-4558 - Unable to import some of GSA member into Revit as section usage type of section is not correct
# Performance issues with assemblies
- GSA-3976 - RSA results for assemblies moments incorrect
- GSA-3708 - Assembly results are wrong for response spectrum cases
- GSA-4216 - Assemblies defined by centroid (in GSA 8.7) are located at the global origin when opened in later versions
- GSA-4557 - Assembly results are not correct for RSA cases
# Build 10.1.40
# Improvements
- GSA-3624 - Remove feature "Save results for selected elements" as this has not been functioning since GSA 9.0
- GSA-3909 - Help file entry missing for Generate Time-History
# Model definition performance issues
- GSA-3828 - Modifying shear modulus on material grade for analysis does not have any effect
- GSA-4346 - GSA sometimes crashes when editing section property's analysis material
- GSA-4365 - GSA crashes when applying Grid area load contour "graded by value"
- GSA-4391 - Node spring stiffness option in "Select By Criteria" dialog does not work
- GSA-4399 - Entities can still be deleted from data explorer even though there are analysis results
- GSA-4466 - Gravity loads of Catalogue sections are incorrect
- GSA-4496 - Grid area loads on polylines not expanded correctly when applied to re-entrant panels
- GSA-4498 - Loads cannot be applied to element lists that include a grid surface or assembly name
- GSA-4510 - Grid area loads expanding incorrectly
# Performance issues during analysis and design tasks
- GSA-80 - Grid load is lost when the load-receiving beams are excluded in stages - should produce an error instead
- GSA-3446 - Legacy SLS steel design tasks crash GSA - these will now be removed when opening the model
- GSA-4050 - Section with offsets does not work for stage analysis
- GSA-4363 - Issue with buckling analysis of tapered sections
- GSA-4408 - Error in combination case crashes GSA
# Post-processing and results performance issues
- GSA-2628 - Output → Assembly Results not filtering to assemblies
- GSA-3732 - Steel design effective length calculations not correctly based on "auto" internal restraints when results accessed in graphic/output views
- GSA-3780 - Assembly outputs not filtering to assemblies
- GSA-4061 - Spring forces are incorrect if the springs uses non-diagonal spring stiffness matrix
- GSA-4103 - Plastic section modulus about minor axis is incorrect for parallel flange sections for steel design calculations
- GSA-4484 - Footfall analysis results wrong if mode-step relationship table is defined
- GSA-4502 - GsRelax analysis sometimes gives different results between sessions when using material grades
# Performance issues when reading, importing, exporting files
- GSA-3884 - GWA file is not giving parent member for all the elements
- GSA-3995 - GWA export or import of user modules corrupting values (2D element positions were changed and units not preserved)
- GSA-4396 - Material strength, stiffness and shear modulus written to text files/GWA in wrong units (for all but fabric material types)
- GSA-4404 - Concrete slab reinforcement CSV export is using the model units rather than the output's units
- GSA-4417 - Grid view output spread over too many columns
- GSA-4422 - Formatting of cells in the grid output is not aligned properly
- GSA-4435 - GSA crashes when pasting GWA for members with automatic offsets and reference undefined nodes in their topology
- GSA-4490 - GSA crashes when exporting any output view to HTML - this option has now been removed
# Build 10.1.39
# New Features
- GSA-3800 - German Steel National Annex
# Usability improvements
- GSA-3280 - Remove the "Model → Model Tools → Generate steel member restraints" command and menu option - automatic member restraints are now generated automatically
# Model definition performance issues
- GSA-3924 - Tied interface display freezes view
- GSA-3373 - Mapping beam load makes GSA freeze
- GSA-4016 - Deleting the first (default) Grid Layout causes GSA to crash when a graphic view is open
- GSA-4420 - New model wizard for generating a Vierendeel truss model does not work
- GSA-4374 - GSA crashes when applying offsets based on 'column offset' when the column's property is undefined
- GSA-4359 - Unordered Mapping error in models containing one "storey" grid plane
- GSA-4394 - Generating equivalent static load crashes GSA
- GSA-4412 - Decimal values cannot be entered in tables with some locale settings
# Performance issues during analysis and design tasks
- GSA-3284 - Explicit analysis sometimes fails immediately after starting
- GSA-3657 - 2D member orientation affects reinforcement calculation
- GSA-4124 - Cable element model cannot be analysed and the given message is not clear
- GSA-4367 - Static analysis crashes due to matrix instabilities
- GSA-4377 - GSA terminates non-linear analysis before it is converged if the previous analysis attempt was manually cancelled
- GSA-4372 - Unordered mapping error in analysis when a load is applied to a named list that doesn't exist
- GSA-4379 - GSA crashes when analysing model with instabilities (instead of reporting an error)
- GSA-4411 - Steel designer not applying thickness-related strength reduction factors for standard grades
# Post-processing and results performance issues
- GSA-3991 - RC 2D Member design - unexpected/different results for subsequent runs
- GSA-3945 - Form Finding not creating (all) prestress forces
- GSA-4000 - Form finding analysis - No beam prestress generated
- GSA-4436 - Error in some RC slab results when an RC Slab Property (without thickness override) is referred to by 2D Properties with varying thickness
# Performance issues when reading, importing, exporting files
- GSA-4307 - GSA crashes while exporting output view
- GSA-4409 - GWA format for output views is not documented
# Bridge analysis performance issues
- GSA-3961 - Issue with Bridge Load Optimization hanging/crashing when multiple views are open
# Build 10.1.38
# Usability improvements
- GSA-4256 - Remove non-working features: "Tools > expand load lists" and "tools > expand gravity loading"
- GSA-4340 - Bring report view to the front when a task runs
# Model definition performance issues
- GSA-3440 - Beam Section Summary not recognising volume modifier
- GSA-4133 - Undo defined Soil Profiles cause crash in GSA
- GSA-4333 - GSA crashes when Apply Offsets option is accessed
- GSA-4221 - GSA crashes when deleting blank properties
- GSA-4287 - Member x offsets gets accumulated every time closing member definition wizard
- GSA-4288 - Bar-type 1D elements not inheriting offsets from the element defaults
- GSA-4250 - Error/crash when undoing changes to grid surfaces, face loads and face thermal loads
- GSA-4279 - Undoing changes in sections modifiers causes GSA to crash
- GSA-4343 - Selecting a single element or member who's section property has an undefined profile description is causing a crash in GSA
- GSA-4319 - Damper element cannot be highlighted on graphics
# Performance issues during analysis and design tasks
- GSA-2818 - If there is a node connected only to damper element, explicit analysis crashes
- GSA-3691 - Rotational stiffness of Rod elements is ignored in Non-linear analysis.
- GSA-4334 - GSA crashes if the analysis properties of a user-named concrete are edited in the table
- GSA-4267 - Incorrect utilisation generated from Steel Design task
- GSA-4294 - Closing model after carrying out a Steel Design task crashes GSA
- GSA-4352 - Clicking on Advanced options crashes GSA, if static results exist and Total loads and reactions unchecked for that task
- GSA-4291 - Reporting RC slab design notes can crash GSA
- GSA-4066 - Cable element model analysis gives wrong results if cable type is sliding
# Post-processing and results performance issues
- GSA-3670 - Unusual in-plane force results for 2D elements
- GSA-3685 - Incorrect deflection calculation when creep is specified
- GSA-4191 - Erasing results also deletes task, even when the "centre only" option has been modified
- GSA-4251 - Error in beam combined stresses for asymmetric section under minor axis bending
- GSA-4254 - Viewing 'Section library' output crashes when element of corresponding section number doesn't exist
- GSA-4353 - Some 1D elements giving incorrect internal deflections
- GSA-4354 - Incorrect strain energy results for 1D elements with shear area modifiers
- GSA-4356 - Section volume modifier does not affect the selfweight load diagram
- GSA-4368 - EC3 Design: Mcr reported as zero for Netherland NA for symmetric I section
- GSA-4371 - Member length output is not updated if the graphic view is closed
- GSA-4290 - Concrete slab reinforcement output ignoring units
# Performance issues when reading, importing, exporting files
- GSA-3295 - Unable to copy GWA of a saved output view
- GSA-4113 - GWA import/export/copy/paste behaviour with respect to units is not documented
- GSA-4148 - Analysis case name is not preserved when reading GWA if the task doesn't exist
- GSA-4151 - Analysis stage materials are not copied to GWA
- GSA-4222 - Saving a model as a csv file does not respect the list separator of the locale
- GSA-4262 - GSA is incorrectly exporting Rigid Constraints in Nastran(.dat) file.
- GSA-4280 - GsRevit unable to parse restraint option string resulting into internal crash and entities are not getting imported.
- GSA-4337 - GSA help refers to removed "graphics to dxf" feature
- GSA-4300 - GSA crashes when pasting GWA data into Output Settings
- GSA-4301 - Copy option in Output setting is not working
- GSA-4299 - Tied interface definition corrupted in GSA 10.1.36 and 37 - models saved by these versions will require re-definition of the tied interfaces
# Bridge analysis performance issues
- GSA-3835 - Bridge loader error - Influence effect beams not returning results
- GSA-3972 - Bridge optimisation crashes during analysis
# Build 10.1.37
# Usability improvements
- GSA-4246 - New ‘blank model’ option on welcome screen which allows the user to create a new model with one click
# Model definition performance issues
- GSA-4107 - Some 1D Element offsets are incorrectly allowed
- GSA-4123 - Longitudinal offset on Bar elements not saved when exiting the Element Wizard
- GSA-4255 - Rod offsets always shown in global axis
- GSA-4143 - GSA crashes if you copy a tied interface from the table while the graphic view is closed
- GSA-4155 - Member table: copying the whole record onto new row overwrites existing input instead of creating new input
# Performance issues during analysis and design tasks
- GSA-3150 - Data checking prevents explicit solver using nonlinear spring
- GSA-4128 - GSA Steel checker incorrectly calculates beta factor
- GSA-4236 - Total Loads and Reactions to be calculated for default analysis task
# Post-processing and results performance issues
- GSA-3285 - No beam stresses for the response spectrum case
- GSA-4261 - Incorrect 2D through thickness shear
- GSA-4247 - GSA crashes with combination case that includes reference to analysis cases that don't exist
- GSA-4263 - Opening an output view crashes GSA when output views are rendered in a separate thread
# Performance issues when reading, importing, exporting files
- GSA-4063 - Member GWA import does not include 1D element types other than "Beam"
- GSA-4118 - Windows language settings changes 2D properties in GSA
- GSA-4114 - Material properties corrupted in writing and reading from .txt file format
- GSA-4149 - A list of type "Unspecified" is written to GWA as type "Case" and not read from GWA
# Build 10.1.36
# Integration improvements with external applications
- GSA-3065 - Fix Idea Statica link
- GSA-3933 - Load export from Revit to GSA is not working in Revit 2020
- GSA-4022 - Nastran export not working for releases on end 2
# Improved Notation, Warnings and Documentation
- GSA-3914 - Change Master and slave wording
- GSA-3931 - Usage logs are incomplete
- GSA-3274 – Clarify to the user what version of GSA they are opening
- GSA-3226 - Dynamic response analyses fails with unexpected error message
- GSA-3674 - Incorrect effective length notations
- GSA-3722 - Errors in the text file documentation for GsRelax tasks
- GSA-3746 - The text file documentation for members is not consistent with the output
- GSA-3951 - Remove references to redacted elements from help file
- GSA-4215 - Update the documentation for 2D property profiles
- GSA-4005 – Update the help file: deleted Define Entity and Data Default panes are still in help manual, but the new Properties pane is not explained in help manual
- GSA-3798 - Help button not working in the reinforcement definition window
- GSA-3673 - Unordered mapping Error preventing the analysis
- GSA-4182 - Unordered mapping Error stops running static analysis
- GSA-4147 - Assembly help in "Using Assemblies in Analysis" still refers to definition by axis
# UI improvements
- GSA-3675 - GSA is badly displayed on high resolution displays
- GSA-3102 - Remove future features which have not been implemented from design dialog
- GSA-3977 – Remove "Composite" button on members property pane that doesn't do anything
- GSA-3978 - Remove reference to Reinforcement Templates from Design Specification
- GSA-3979 - Remove Open ADC File from menu
- GSA-3980 - Hide RC Beam, Column, and Generic Layouts
- GSA-3982 - Remove Tools > Labs > Distributed Analyses options
- GSA-3990 - Remove Translucency option from Graphical Settings
# Model definition – members/elements performance issues
- GSA-3128 - User-defined rigid constraint are sometimes scrambled when deleting elements from members
- GSA-3899 - GSA incorrectly fills voids in 2D members with contours
- GSA-3900 - Design layer view of deformed 2D member mesh is corrupted if the mesh has been adjusted since the elements were created
- GSA-3876 - Cable elements not working properly in GSA solver
- GSA-3893 - Creating elements from members is reported to be slower in 10.1 than 10.0
- GSA-3927 - Dummy element display not as per specification
- GSA-3352 - Compression only nodal springs do not work
- GSA-3960 - Zero length elements should produce an error in the pre-analysis checks
- GSA-3363 - Tri3 elements displacement problem
- GSA-3336 - GSA crashes while deleting elements from graphics view
- GSA-3901 - GSA crashes when the member y release button is pressed in the pane
- GSA-3966 - GSA Crashes when attempting to undo deleting 1D elements in the design layer
# Model definition – Materials performance issues
- GSA-4116 - Materials always show as user defined, regardless of whether they have been modified or not
- GSA-3361 - Torsional constant becomes zero after modifying the profile thickness
- GSA-3832 - GSA crashes in concrete material wizard
- GSA-3745 - Viewing properties in Concrete Wizard crashes GSA
- GSA-3681 - Setting Nonlinear curve in Spring crashes GSA
- GSA-3986 - GSA can crash when changing concrete design code
# Model definition – Loading performance issues
- GSA-3165 - Error in expanding grid line loads
- GSA-3950 - Grid loads just outside 2D element within tolerance are sometimes missed out in grid load expansion
- GSA-3913 - Gravity load on Element and Node mass does not include both
- GSA-3975 - Previewing the loads freezes GSA
# Performance issues during analysis and design tasks
- GSA-3910 - Unable to import analysis task
- GSA-3686 - Default graphic layer setting for Analysis does not work
- GSA-3683 - Bug in analysis wizard for SRSS combinations for RSA
- GSA-3858 - Using NBCC Spectrum crashes GSA
- GSA-3788 - Creep Coefficient is wrongly displayed in Message Wizard during staged analysis
- GSA-3799 – 2D RC Design: Polygon of reinforcement doesn’t accept an empty string
- GSA-3863 - Cover for slab is getting to its default value(30mm) when a design task is performed.
- GSA-3680 - Bridge deck loader error
# Post-processing and results performance issues
- GSA-3342 - GSA becomes unresponsive when producing beam forces output
- GSA-3355 - Applied nodal loads are not accounted in Total Loads and reactions
- GSA-3766 - Loads and reactions showing a large imbalance
- GSA-3442 - Structure weight seems slightly wrong in some calculations
- GSA-3811 - Reactions wrong when nodal loads are applied to restrained nodes
- GSA-3843 - Storey drift calculations missing results
- GSA-3736 - Assemblies are incorrectly considering the beam elements offsets.
- GSA-4023 - Gravity load calculation is wrong for tapered sections
- GSA-3806 - GSA API: incompatibility with 10.1 Element1DResults extraction
# Performance issues when reading, importing, exporting files
- GSA-4115 - Properties corrupted by File IO
- GSA-4180 - When a GWA file contains invalid keyword, no subsequent data is read
- GSA-3676 - GWA files are not respecting the units settings
- GSA-4199 - User modules fail to import from GWA file that doesn't end in a new line
- GSA-3852 - Number formatting in Numeric Format dialog is too difficult to read
- GSA-3783 - Inconsistent GWA syntax
- GSA-4132 - GSA crashes when exporting model with sections with undefined profiles
- GSA-3949 - Importing user module crashes GSA
- GSA-3954 - Importing GWA crashes GSA
- GSA-4156 - Opening GSA 10.1 saved file, GSA crashes
# Build 10.1.27
# Grid Line improvements
- GSA-3804 - Expansion of grid line loads do not always work correctly
# Spring analysis improvements
- GSA-3352 - Compression only springs do not work
- GSA-3767 - If spring properties are changed in stage analysis, they are not accounted for
- GSA-3768 - Spring properties used in stage analysis are not locked after analysis
# Steel design improvements
- GSA-3803 - Combined buckling utilisation is overly conservative when using Eurocode steel design code
- GSA-3769 - The centroid of catalogue T section is marked outside the section
# UI stability improvements
- GSA-3620 - Copy and paste section into the Section Library table crashes GSA
# API fixes
- GSA-3806 - Extract 1D element results do not work from GSA API
# Build 10.1.24
# New Features
- GSA-3054 - Canadian seismic code implementation (NBCC)
- GSA-3279 - HK steel checker - Calculate the effective section properties for class 4 sections using simplified approach
# Improved pre-analysis data checks
- GSA-3354 - Add pre-analysis check for non-linear springs on nodes
# Model file backwards compatibility fixes
- GSA-3447 - Opening these models crash GSA
# UI stability improvements
- GSA-3204 - GSA graphic view freezes
# UI enhancements
- GSA-3616 - GSA does not display load panels in the graphic view
- GSA-3362 - 2D property wizard removing Material Grade from fabric elements
- GSA-3445 - Multiple issues with Load panels
# Integration improvements with external applications
- GSA-3652 - Issues with the Nastran export
# Analysis and post processing results improvements
- GSA-3664 - Intermediate displacements of asymmetric section beams are incorrect
# Performance issues during analysis
- GSA-3247 - Model crashes on force density form finding
- GSA-3635 - GSA asserts when running a fabric model in checking
- GSA-3275 - Filter out insignificant modes from a modal analysis
# Model definition enhancements
- GSA-3338 - Elements not being generated from 2D member
- GSA-3042 - Displacements on asymmetrical sections not consistent
- GSA-3343 - 2D load panels mapping error
# Performance issues in model definition
- GSA-3359 - "Delete elements from members" command for all members takes considerably more time than manually deleting them in the graphics
# Improved warning messages
- GSA-3609 - Provide a clearer warning the files written in the current version may not be readable by earlier versions
- GSA-3631 - Warn of excessively large output
# Unclear what the problem and/or fix is
- GSA-3644 - ResolveLegacyLists - fix lost
# Build 10.1.21
# Improved pre-analysis data checks
- GSA-3335 - Add data checking to chained constraint equations
# Model file backwards compatibility fixes
- GSA-3009 - Material rebar damaged on GWA save & open
- GSA-3372 - Section modifiers are not written to or read from gwa files
# UI stability improvements
- GSA-3216 - Dragging down the scroll bar on Node table crashes GSA
- GSA-3233 - GSA crashes on undo view
# UI enhancements
- GSA-2997 - Saved view says elements are hidden
- GSA-3078 - Story forces not matching in Chart view
# Integration improvements with external applications
- GSA-3213 - GsRevit unable to parse member GWA
- GSA-3225 - GsRevit unit conversion not applied correctly
- GSA-3277 - Unable to access results through API
# Analysis and post processing results improvements
- GSA-3226 - Dynamic response analyses fail with unexpected error message
- GSA-3223 - Analysis refuses to converge in presence of friction springs.
- GSA-3284 - Explicit analysis fails immediately after starting
- GSA-3318 - Reaction forces are not calculated
- GSA-3293 - Assembly giving wrong results with coincident elements
- GSA-3288 - In-plane stiffness change causes thermal stress error
- GSA-2719 - Some element types ignored in weight calculation
- GSA-3112 - Response Spectrum - bug in ASCE base shear calcs
- GSA-3231 - Envelope case for min translation gives same values (in same direction) as envelope case for max translation
# Bridge analysis improvements
- GSA-3330 - Bridge analysis not performing static analysis
- GSA-2739 - 2D element face loads disrupts Bridge analysis
# Minor Installer improvements
- GSA-3278 - Check file associations are set in installer
# Performance issues during analysis
- GSA-3267 - Explicit time history analysis crashing
# Model definition enhancements
- GSA-3341 - Error running Join 1D Elements
# Build 10.1.16
# New features
- GSA 2066 - 2D member design - Reinforcement design intent for 2D members
- GSA 2924 - 3D Members and new 3D FE element types (Wedge, pyramid and tetra elements)
- GSA 2045 - Australian seismic code AS 1170.4 (2007)
- GSA 2130 - GsRevit 2020 link
- GSA 3235 - Assemblies – new features allowing users to take a strip through a slab without relying on element boundaries exactly matching the line of the strip being defined.
# Code clean-up
- GSA 1713 - Removal of geometric entities (lines, areas and regions) are no longer available
- GSA 1930 - Removal of wall elements
# Restrictions
- GSA 3322 - Constraints (joints, rigid constraints and constraint equations) cannot be chained.
- GSA 2638 - Nodal springs are treated as linear in the matrix solutions.
# UI enhancements
- GSA-3036 - Clean up the print result
- GSA-2743 - Graphic views with "parts excluded by volume" do not export/import as GWA correctly
- GSA-2465 - Removed "generic" option from 2D and 3D properties
- GSA-2311 - Node loads and element labels are displayed at undeformed location in deformed display
- GSA-2597 - Missing properties not highlighted in Elements table
- GSA-2775 - Hide Diagram command was not working
- GSA-2503 - Saved graphics view - malfunctioning
- GSA-2997 - Saved view says elements are hidden
- GSA-724 - "highlight edges" graphic setting sometimes not persisting
# Integration improvements with external applications
- GSA-2403 - AdSec export not working properly from GSA
# Material improvements
- GSA-2493 - Material General Shear Modulus being zeroed
- GSA-2495 - Aluminium and Glass material values being lost
- GSA-2496 - Fabric standard material grades are not setting the analysis properties
- GSA-2788 - RC2D reports grade not exist although grade was not employed
# Section improvements
- GSA-2753 - The orientation of Angle and Channel sections are different on section definition wizard and on graphic view
- GSA-2754 - Warping constant for General I sections calculated incorrectly
- GSA-2707 - Axis changed in section modifiers
# Elements and members improvements
- GSA-2890 - Missing element types from design layer 1D properties added
- GSA-2648 - Synchronise 1D elements/members does not respect the 1D element type
- GSA-2475 - Synchronize Elements and Members failing by not checking for missing elements
- GSA-2586 - Problem with 2D members not meshing because of internal offsets
- GSA-1268 - Arc member y and z offsets not working
- GSA-2995 - Unit issues with percentages in cables/damping
# Load expansion improvements
- GSA-2825 - Problem in Projected + Grid line load expansion to 2D elements
- GSA-2878 - Expanding load panels can crashes GSA
# Analysis and Post Processing results improvements
- GSA-2739 - 2D element face loads disrupts bridge analysis
- GSA-2769 - HK Code of Practice - error in minor axis buckling capacity
- GSA-2500 - Unable to get spring forces for linear analysis
- GSA-2908 - Footfall nodal results on elements not working for parabolic 2D element types
- GSA-3005 - Through thickness Shear stresses for Tri3 elements are reported as negative when the actual value is positive and vice versa.
- GSA-1868 - Displacements on sections with rotated section properties not consistent
- GSA-1234 - Deformed shape of combination case from different stages are not shown correctly
- GSA-2585 - Stress option not working in section wizard
- GSA 3121 - Assembly results are not calculated properly for response spectrum analysis cases
- GSA-2794 - Beam stress calculation fails to consider the section changes for taper beam 1D element
# COM API improvements
- GSA-2832 - Form finding analysis popups appearing when running COM API
- GSA-2833 - Form finding analysis fails when run through COM API
- GSA-2001 - GSA can crash after model modified + analysed though COM in same instance as UI
# Model file backwards compatibility fixes
- GSA-2502 - Member GWA data not read properly
- GSA-2392 - GWACommand was now case sensitive where it should not be
# Improved warning messages
- GSA-2537 - GSA reports warning for spring elements when not appropriate
- GSA-2125 - In the model summary in message pane (on opening a model) the reported mass does not include modifications due to property volume modifiers
- GSA-2513 - Interface problems on the Grid Plane table
# Model comparison fix
- GSA-2512 - Model comparison not working correctly