# Australian Highway Loading

Loading from the draft DR 00375 code dated September 2001 has been allowed for as follows:

# Vehicles

  • M1600-3.5 – 6 axle vehicle 120kN/axle 3.5m centre spacing
  • M1600-5 – 6 axle vehicle 120kN/axle 5m centre spacing
  • S1600-3.5 – 6 axle vehicle 80kN/axle 3.5m centre spacing
  • S1600-5 – 6 axle vehicle 80kN/axle 5m centre spacing

# Path Loading

  • M1600 – UDL 6kN/m + Two Vehicles, M1600-3.5 and M1600-5, at least 6.5m clear between them, placed in worst positions, zero exclusion length
  • S1600 – UDL 24kN/m + Two Vehicles, S1600-3.5 and S1600-5, at least 6.5m clear between them, placed in worst positions, zero exclusion length