# Eurocode Loading

Load Model 1 from the Draft prEN 1991-2 dated 22/8/01 has been allowed for as follows:

# Vehicles

  • EU-TS300 – 2 axles 300kN each
  • EU-TS200 – 2 axles 200kN each
  • EU-TS100 – 2 axles 100kN each

# Path Loads

  • EU-LM1:Lane1 – UDL 9×(path width) kN/m + Vehicle EU-TS300, zero exclusion length
  • EU-LM1:Lane2 – UDL 2.5×(path width) kN/m + Vehicle EU-TS200, zero exclusion length
  • EU-LM1:Lane3 – UDL 2.5×(path width) kN/m + Vehicle EU-TS100, zero exclusion length
  • EU-LM1:Other – UDL 2.5×(path width) kN/m

These loads should normally be applied to 3m wide lanes, (except the EU-LM1-Other path loading which can be applied to any path width).

Note that for very short spans, less than about 7m, Load Model 2 (single axle loading) may govern. Load Model 3 (abnormal load) is defined in National Annexes to the code. These models need to be considered separately.