# Optimise path loading

This dialog is available from the Model > Bridge modelling > Optimise path loading menu command. This allows the user to generate a series of static bridge loads, based on the results of an influence analysis and the data in the path loading module. For each node influence effect, beam influence effect and each entry in the Path loading table, two groups of Static bridge loads are generated, to give the most positive and most negative effect (force/displacement/reaction). Each of these groups can then be used to generate a load case comprising grid point loads using the Expand bridge loading tool.

# Definition

# Optimisation

The static bridge loads module contains two types of load, optimised loads and user defined loads. The user can edit optimised loads, which converts them to user defined loads. Three options are given for what should happen to existing static bridge loads when a new optimisation is carried out:

  • Delete all existing static bridge loads,
  • Delete existing optimised bridge loads only (user defined loads retained)
  • Append to existing static bridge loads (all existing optimised loads converted to user defined loads).

# Start group number

The first group number to be generated. If existing static bridge loads are to be retained this needs to be greater than the largest existing group number.