# Expand bridge loading

This dialog is accessible from the Model > Bridge modelling > Expand bridge loading menu command. This allows the user to generate a series of grid point load equivalent to the static bridge loads and/or moving bridge loads defined in Static bridge load and Moving bridge load tables. Load cases are created in the order of the bridge loads appear in the table. For static bridge loads, the grid point loads generated from each group will have the same load case number. For moving bridge Loads, the grid point loads generated by each increment of the moving bridge load will have a new load case number. Note that changes to the bridge loading table, or to the vehicles and alignments referred to in it will not change the grid point loads already generated.

The load case title for the newly generated grid point loads are the same as the name of static/moving bridge loads but with a suffix of (i), where i equals the order of this operation, i.e. first expansion is 1 and second is 2 and so on. Ideally, grid point Loads already generated should be deleted manually before generating new ones through Expand bridge loading.

# Definition

# Expand bridge loading

  • Static bridge loads, if checked, static bridge loads will be expanded.
  • Moving bridge loads, if checked, moving bridge loads will be expanded.

# Initial load case

The first load case number to be generated. This must always be greater than the largest existing load case.