# Create Mass from Grid Loads

This dialog can be accessed from the “Model > Model tools > Create nodal mass > From grid loads” menu command.

This command creates a set of mass properties that give a nodal mass corresponding to a specified load in a given direction.

# Definition

Case definition and scale

The case definition allow the loading to be specified – either a single analysis case (e.g. A2) or a combined case (e.g. 1.4A1 + A2). The overall case description cane also be scaled by the scaling factor.


There is choice of expansion of grid point loads, grid line loads and grid area loads. Any loads that do not map on to the structure are ignored. Only the vertical component of load is considered and loads in the positive z direction will result in negative masses.


To make this work for stages it is possible to define a list of elements that will be excluded. This can be used to ensure that secondaries are not considered when determining where mass can be placed.