# Section : Catalogue

The catalogue sections are stored in an section database, installed with GSA. This provides an interface to that database.

# Definition

A catalogue section is defined by


The catalogue is first level of selection for the section.


The type is the type of section required e.g. Universal Beam or Equal Angles.


The particular section of the type selected e.g. EA250x250x35. If the section is marked S/S that particular section has been superseded.

Include superseded sections

Superseded sections are to be displayed. If the model contains superseded sections this will be checked on entry.

Transform Section

The basic section may not be in the required orientation, so there is an option to rotate and translate sections. By default this is not offered.

# Catalogues

Catalogues cover sections from the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia,Japan, China, India, Korea, Russia and South Africa.

Catalogue Sections

For catalogue sections the descriptions based on the catalogue, type and date to provide a string uniquely identifying the section. This can be constructed as follows:

CAT <Type ID> <Sec name> <Date>

So for example a British Universal beam of 457 x 152 and mass of 82 kg/m of 15 June 1987 would be:

CAT UB UB457x152x82 19870615

The date field is normally used only to identify superseded sections, so normally the section description would be abbreviated to

CAT UB 457x152x82