# Section : Standard sections

# Section dimensions

Standard sections can be rectangular, circular, I, channel, T or angles, etc. Rectangular and circular sections can be either solid or hollow. Specify the overall external dimensions of the section and the thickness of component parts as shown in standard sections below.

# Transform section

The basic section may not be in the required orientation, so there is an option to rotate and translate sections. By default this is not offered.

# Standard sections

The standard sections are identified by a code for the section shape, followed by a list of dimensions defining the section. The section shape descriptors can be followed by an optional unit if the section is not defined in mm, where the shapes are:

Section shape Shape code Dimensions Description
Rectangular R
Rectangular hollow RHS

Note that top and bottom flanges are always the same thickness, as are left and right walls of a rectangular hollow section.
Circular C
Circular hollow CHS SectionCHS
I section I
Tee T
Channel CH SectionCh
Angle A SectionAng
Taper TR SectionTaper
Ellipse E

Ellipse index (n) - This field is only available for the ellipse section type. It allows superellipses to be entered. A value of 1 corresponds to a diamond, 2 to an ellipse, and ∞ to a rectangle.
General I section GI
Taper T section TT SectionTaperT
Taper angle section TA SectionTA
Recto-circular RC SectionRecC
Recto-ellipse RE SectionRE
Taper I section TI
Secant pile section SP SectionSec
Secant pile wall SPW
Oval OVAL SectionOval
General C GC SectionGC
General Z GZ SectionGZ
Cruciform X SectionX
Cellular/catellated CB SectionCas
Sheet pile SHT SectionSht


Symbol Definition
bottom width
flat width
top width
distance between pile centres
depth, diameter
flat depth
order (ellipse only)
number of piles
flange thickness
top flange thickness
bottom flange thickness
web thickness
top web thickness
bottom web thickness

so the section description is as follows:

STD <Shape(unit)> <Dimension> <Dimension>…

Thus a 320 × 120 rectangular section would be

STD R 320 120

or an 8in diameter circular section would be

STD C(in) 8