# Load Curve

The load curve defines the variations of the dynamic loads or the base accelerations against time. The load curve defines the load factor versus time and it is used by time history analysis. The load curve will be normalized before being used in time history analysis, i.e. the magnitude of the maximum load factor in the load curve will be unit and all other load factors on the curve are factorised accordingly.

# Definition


The name is used only as a label for this load curve definition.


Load curve consists of a series pair of data that defines the load factor at the corresponding time. The description is a string in the form of (t1,v1) (t2,v2) (t3,v3) ...' to describe each pair of the load factor and time. The description can be typed directly in the load curve table or open the wizard to input the load factor and time numerically. When used in the analysis, if analysis time is beyond the defined range, the load factor will be taken as zero.

Load curves can be exported as text (.txt or .csv) and imported as text (.txt or .csv) or PEER ground motion (opens new window) files.