# Steel

For steel design a steel material grade must be defined. Properties used in the steel design are taken from the steel material grade and not from the analysis material. The Grade Wizard should normally be used to define the steel grade properties.

# Definition

The detailed properties are defined here:


The name is only used as a convenient way of identifying a material.

Standard Grades

The standard grades allows selection from among a predefined set of properties.

Basic Properties

The following basic properties are specified:

  • Yield strength (fy)
  • Ultimate strength (fu)
  • Failure strain (εmax)
  • Elastic modulus (E)
  • Shear modulus (G)
  • Density (ρ)
  • Thermal expansivity (α)
  • Poisson’s ratio (ν)

Section Design Properties

The following section design properties are specified:

  • Strength (taken from basic properties)
  • Material curve (one of linear, elastic-plastic, strain hardening, Park, explicit)
  • Strain at plateau stress
  • Ultimate strain

Environmental Impact

Clicking Environmental Impact enables environmental impact parameters to be specified for this material by opening the Environmental Impact Wizard. These values then override the global values specified in Environmental Impact Specification for this material.

The current environmental values for the material are reported.

The cost allocates a unit cost to the material.