# Polylines

Polylines are used mainly in conjunction with grid loading to define lines or area that are loaded. Polylines are 2D entities that are interpreted with respect to the x-y plane of a grid plane.

# Definition

# Name

The name used to refer to the polyline.

# Grid plane

Poly lines can either exist in 3D space or can be associated with a grid plane

# Description

Polylines are defined by a series of x-y or x-y-z coordinates. These are entered as a description of the form:


A polyline does not need to be closed to represent a polygon – closure will be inferred from the context.

# Polyline checks

A badly formed polyline is one that has:

  • Coincident vertices, or
  • Overlapping or crossed lines, or
  • Vertices lying along lines.

Invalid lines and vertices are highlighted in the dialog and specific issues in the polyline are reported upon exiting the Polyline dialog.

Invalid polylines are treated as errors in the pre-analysis data checks.

The polyline definition dialog is used to define or modify a polyline. This dialog can be activated from the polyline table view by giving the Edit > Wizard menu command. Wizard is also available on the Data options toolbar and on the right-click menu for the table view.