# Members

Members are the entities that are the building block for GSA models. Members can be 1D (linear), 2D (area), or 3D (solid) entities. Members are defined by topology, so are located with reference to nodes. Local axis orientations are defined using orientation angles and nodes. 1D members have end fixities defined by releases and release stiffnesses.

Members should not be confused with elements, which are used for analysis. Elements can be created from Members and is the recommended workflow.

Each member is assigned a property number and a group number. The property number is used to assign the section or 2D property and through that the material information.

Members, as opposed to elements, are suitable for coordination and round-tripping with BIM software programs. In BIM oriented workflows, the design layer containing members interacts with both BIM models as well as the GSA analysis model.

This wizard can be activated from the Members table view using the wizard button or from a Graphic View by selecting an member and then 'Edit Member' from the right-click menu. The basic definition includes geometry and topology. This leads to separate pages for end conditions and effective lengths for steel and concrete members design_properties. Finally offsets can be assigned.

Member forces are required for the design calculations. Since analysis results are calculated for elements, not members, it is necessary for there to be a relationship between elements and members. This relationship is formed automatically by GSA when generating elements for analysis from members.