Mass Distribution
The calculation of the mass and inertia of the structure are as follows
mxcI=∑mi=m∑(mixi)=⎣⎢⎡∑Ixx+∑mi(yi2+zi2)∑Ixy+∑mi(xiyi)∑Ixx+∑mi(zi2+xi2)∑Ixz+∑mi(xizi)∑Iyz+∑mi(yizi)∑Ixx+∑mi(xi2+yi2)⎦⎥⎤ where the summations are over all the nodes and x,y,z are the
coordinates of the node relative to the centre of mass.
If the mass option is set to ignore the element mass, this calculation
is only carried out over the nodal masses. If an additional mass due to
load is set the load vector resulting from the load description is
calculated and the required component is extracted scaled and converted
to mass
mi=sgfi,j where s is the scale factor, j is the specified component and g is the
gravity value.