# Analysis Wizard : Solver Option

All analysis options are controlled from the analysis wizard and depend on the selected solver option.

# Definition

Task Name

This is a name to associate with this task. This is used as the basis of the analysis case name, so that if there is more than one modal analysis the particular modes can be clearly identified.

Solution Type

The solution type breaks down into a number of main categories:

Solver, Task and Initial Case

The solver option depends on the analysis requested. The task number is determined by GSA, but the initial case can be specified by the user.


GSA can apply a range of imperfections in an analysis. The most commonly specified imperfection is an imperfection which is a function of height. This option allows for an imperfection in the x or y direction as a linear function of height. More complex imperfections are set in the Advanced options.

Analysis Stage

The analysis task will refer to the selected stage. If stages are not required the 'Whole mode' option includes everything in the model.