# Analysis Wizard : Bridge Analysis

Two possible methods of performing a the GSBridge Analysis are available, as described in the Step-by-Step Guide, and the Dialog deals with these differently:

# Method A – Full carriageway optimisation for UK/HK loading

The code to be used has been specified in the Bridge Specification. It is normal to carry out all stages of this analysis in one operation, in which case all the analysis options should be on (the default). If the user wishes to review and modify the Static Bridge Loads before carrying out the static analysis, then the last two options can be deselected (the only other option available). Note that combination cases will not be generated automatically if this staged option is chosen.

# Method B – Lane by lane optimisation

The code is Undefined in the Bridge Specification Table. It is normal to modify the static bridge loads before expanding them, so the default is to do the Influence Analysis only, but some or all of the later steps can be selected as well to give a batch analysis.

# Definition

In either case the subsequent steps can be carried out using the Tools: Optimise Bridge Loading and Expand Bridge Loading, and a final static analysis.

Retain results at influence points only

Bridge analysis can result in very large post-analysis files. This option trims the results so that only those at the influence points are retained, resulting in significantly reduced file sizes.