# CAD export options

# AutoCAD version

This allows the user to select the target version of AutoCAD. The model can be exported to AutoCAD 2.5 through AutoCAD 2004.

# Units of exported data

All data in GSA is stored internally as SI. However, this may not be the most useful option for AutoCAD, so the user can specify the units in which the dimensions are to be output.

# Entity colours

Entity colours in the CAD file can be assigned in 3 different ways.

  • Colour by layer: Elements will be exported to layers based on their respective property numbers. In this case, the entities are coloured by layer, and so inherit the layer colour, which in turn is based on the element property.
  • Apply GSA element colours to CAD entities: Elements will be exported to the same layer in the CAD file, with colours corresponding to the element type in the GSA model.
  • Apply colours based on GSA element groups: Elements will be exported to the same layer and their colours will be based on the GSA element group numbers.

# Export

The user can choose to export the Analysis layer or the Design layer, exporting respectively elements and members.

# Export 3D sections

If this is checked 3D representations of beams will be exported as well as a wireframe representation. The 3D sections lie on a separate layer, whose name is based on the element property name by prefixing '3D_'.

# Export element offsets

If this is checked then element offsets will be considered when exporting the 3D sections.

# Transform node coordinates

If this is checked and a grid plane is specified then coordinates will be transformed so as to be with respect to the grid plane axes.