# OpenSees export options

This dialog is accessed from the File > Export > OpenSees (.tcl file) menu command. For more details on OpenSees export see OpenSees Export.

Analysis stage

The model corresponding to the particular analysis stage will be exported.


Choose which load case to export loads for.

Export bars as:

Choose whether to export GSA bars as OpenSees truss or corotational truss elements.

Export steel / concrete beams as:

Choose whether to export GSA beams as OpenSees elasticBeamColumn, nonlinearBeamColumn or dispBeamColumn elements. You can choose different element models for beams with steel and concrete materials.

Export beam sections as:

Choose whether to export GSA beam sections as OpenSees elastic or fibre sections.

Rectangular fibre sections

Input the number of subdivisions in the Y and Z directions of rectangular sections when fibre sections are selected.

Circular fibre sections

Input the number of subdivisions around the circumference and in the radial direction of rectangular sections when fibre sections are selected.

General fibre sections

Input the number of subdivisions along and across the flanges and webs of I, T, channel, double channel, angle, double angle, taper, general I, taper T, taper angle and taper I sections when fibre sections are selected.