# AdSec export

This dialog is accessed from the File > Export > AdSec section (ADS file) menu command. This allows a section from the model to be exported with optionally the forces and moments to AdSec. The concrete design code in GSA will be used in the export.

There may, at times, be a mismatch in the design codes supported by GSA and those supported by AdSec, so it may be that AdSec cannot open the file generated by GSA.

Section list

This gives a choice of exporting a list of section all or specific section.

Members list

This gives a choice of exporting a list of members. If the member option is chosen, one section will be generated for each of the positions.


Specific analysis or combination results can be exported as AdSec loads.

Save file

Browse path to save exported file.

Open AdSec on completion

If this option is checked GSA will try to open AdSec with the first file exported.