Effective Elastic Properties
In order to simplify calculations it is possible to determine affective
elastic properties of a section. The simplest of these is the area.
Consider a section with both concrete and steel with areas Ac
and As respectively. The axial stiffnesses are
kcks=lAcEc=lAsEs And the total stiffness is then
k=lAcEc+lAsEs To simply calculation we can choose a reference material. So for
concrete as a reference material
lAeffEc=lAcEc+lAsEs or
Aeff=Ac+AsEcEs More generally for a collection of components with a reference section
Aeff=Eref∑i(AiEi) For a section made of multiple components the effective centroid is
defined as
ceff=Aeff∑i{Ai(ci−cref)} As for axial properties effective bending properties can be defined
(allowing for the different centroids) as