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Model Units

Model Units


Get or set the units used by GSA when opening this GSA Model

Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
ModelParamModelGSA ModelExisting model to get or set units for.
TextParamTextAccelerationSet Acceleration Unit for this Model
TextParamTextAngleSet Angle Unit for this Model
TextParamTextEnergySet Energy Unit for this Model
TextParamTextForceSet Force Unit for this Model
TextParamTextGeometrySet 'Length - large' Unit used for Node Geometry for this Model
TextParamTextProperty DimensionSet 'Length - sections' Unit used for Property Dimensions for this Model
TextParamTextDisplacementSet 'Length - small' Unit used for Displacement Results for this Model
TextParamTextMassSet Mass Unit for this Model
TextParamTextStressSet Stress Unit for this Model
TextParamTextStrainSet Strain Unit for this Model
TextParamTextTemperatureSet Temperature Unit for this Model
TextParamTextTime LongSet Time Long Unit for this Model
TextParamTextTime MediumSet Time Medium Unitfor this Model
TextParamTextTime ShortSet Time Short Unit for this Model
TextParamTextVelocitySet Velocity Unit for this Model

Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
ModelParamModelModelGSA Model parameter
TextParamTextAccelerationGet Acceleration Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextAngleGet Angle Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextEnergyGet Energy Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextForceGet Force Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextGeometryGet 'Length - large' Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextProperty DimensionGet 'Length - sections' Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextDisplacementGet 'Length - small' Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextMassGet Mass Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextStressGet Stress Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextStrainGet Strain Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextTemperatureGet Temperature Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextTime LongGet Time Long Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextTime MediumGet Time Medium Unitfor this GSA Model
TextParamTextTime ShortGet Time Short Unit for this GSA Model
TextParamTextVelocityGet Velocity Unit for this GSA Model