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Node Displacements

Node Displacements


Node Translation and Rotation result values

Note: This is a dropdown component and input/output may vary depending on the selected dropdown

Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
ResultParamResult ListResultResult
ListParamListNode filter listFilter the Nodes by list. (by default 'all')
Node list should take the form:
1 11 to 72 step 2 not (XY3 31 to 45)
Refer to help file for definition of lists and full vocabulary.
IntegerParamIntegerAxisStandard Axis: Global (0), Local (-1), Natural (-2), Default (-10), XElevation (-11), YElevation (-12), GlobalCylindrical (-13), Vertical (-14)

Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
UnitNumberUnit Number Length TreeTranslations X* Translation in X-direction
UnitNumberUnit Number Length TreeTranslations Y* Translation in Y-direction
UnitNumberUnit Number Length TreeTranslations Z* Translation in Z-direction
UnitNumberUnit Number Length TreeTranslations |XYZ|* Combined |XYZ| Translation
UnitNumberUnit Number Angle TreeRotation XX* Rotation around X-axis
UnitNumberUnit Number Angle TreeRotation YY* Rotation around Y-axis
UnitNumberUnit Number Angle TreeRotation ZZ* Rotation around Z-axis
UnitNumberUnit Number Angle TreeRotation |XYZ|* Combined |XXYYZZ| Rotation
IntegerParamInteger TreeNode IDsNode IDs for each result value