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Steel Design

Steel Design


Optimise or check the steel sections in a Model

Input parameters

Icon Type Name Description
ModelParamModelModelModel parameter
IntegerParamIntegerTask number[Optional] The ID of the Task to Design or Check.By default the first steel task will be run.
IntegerParamIntegerIterationsSet this input iterate through the steps

A) Design -> B) ElementsFromMembers -> C) Analyse -> A) Design To only run the above loop once set the input to 1. | |BooleanParam |Boolean |Check only |Set to true to only perform a check of the section capacities |

Output parameters

Icon Type Name Description
ModelParamModelModelGSA Model parameter
TextParamText ListErrorsAnalysis Task Errors
TextParamText ListWarningsAnalysis Task Warnings
TextParamText ListRemarksAnalysis Task Notes and Remarks
TextParamText ListLogsAnalysis Task logs