# Adding a string of 1D elements

A string of 1D elements can be created using the Sculpt > 1D element operations > Add string of 1D elements menu command. The procedure is as follows.

  1. The element type and other attributes assigned to new elements are taken from the data defaults as set in the Property pane.
  2. Set the cursor mode to Select grid points or Select nodes.
  3. If selecting grid points then new nodes will be created at the grid point positions. The attributes assigned to the new nodes are taken from the data defaults as set in the Property pane.
  4. Select grid points or nodes. New elements will be strung generally along the line of the items selected. If the selected items do not lie vaguely along a line then the sequence in which the items are connected by elements may not be as expected.
  5. Give the Add string of 1D elements command.