# Joining 1D elements graphically

1D elements that form a linear string, within the straightness tolerance (ref. Preferences > Sculpting > Straightness tolerance), can be joined up into one element using the Sculpt > 1D element operations > Join string of 1D elements menu command. (This documentation is also applicable to the Sculpt > Geometric entity operations > Join string of lines menu command.)

The string is broken by:

  • A node that is connected to more than two elements,
  • A node that is restrained or otherwise constrained,
  • A node that is loaded,
  • A change in element property or group.

The attributes of the first element in the string are applied to the new element. The new element is offset by the offset amount at each end of the string of elements.

References to the original string of elements are replaced by with references to the new element.

Loads applied to the string of elements are transferred to the new element. Note that the transfer of loads does not occur where a load is applied to an element because that element is included in a saved list or grid plane that is referred to by the loading record rather than being referred to directly in the loading record list. In this circumstance references to the old element in the saved list or grid plane are replaced by references to the new split elements.