# Creating grid loading graphically

Grid point, line and area loads can be created using the respective commands in the Sculpt > Create grid loading menu. The Create grid loading menu is also available on the right-click menu that is displayed when the cursor mode is set to Polyline. The procedure is broadly the same for creating each grid load type and is as follows.

  1. Set the cursor mode to Polyline.
  2. Define a polyline to locate the loading. The polyline will be used according to the grid load type being created.
    • Grid point loads will be created at each point on the polyline. A single point polyline will suffice.
    • A grid line load will be created along the polyline. At least two polyline points are required.
    • A grid area load will be created within the closed polyline or across the plane defined by the first three polyline points. Either way at least three polyline points are required.
  3. Give the Create grid point loads, Create grid line load or Create grid area load command.
  4. Specify the grid load in the respective Grid load definition dialog box.