# Disconnecting elements graphically

Elements can be disconnected from the existing structure at a specified nodal position using the Sculpt > Disconnect elements menu command.

An element is disconnected by the creation of a new node, located at the same position as the original and with the same attributes (constraint axis, restraints, etc.) as the original. The topology of the selected element is then adjusted to refer to the new node instead of the original. The option is given to create a joint of default linkage that joins the new and original nodes.

Several elements can be disconnected in one operation. Where several are disconnected from the same node in one operation they are connected to the same new node.

In the situation where several elements are to be disconnected from the same node but the node appears at different nodal positions in the topology lists for some of the elements the Flip elements command may be used to orientate the elements appropriately for the disconnect operation. The elements may be re-flipped following the disconnection to return to the original orientation.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Set the cursor mode to Select elements.
  2. Select the elements to be disconnected.
  3. Give the Disconnect elements command.
  4. Specify the nodal position at which the elements are to be disconnected and whether joints are to be created in the Disconnect elements dialog box.