# Extruding nodes and elements graphically

The sculpt extrude command generates nodes and elements by a specified number and length of increments. The extrusion is based on either a polyline or a set of nodes or elements and is generated along an axis of a specified axis set or along an alignment, if any exist.

An extrusion can be formed using the Sculpt > Extrude selection menu commands. The procedure is as follows.

  1. Ensure that an appropriate axis set or alignment exists.
  2. Set the cursor mode to Select nodes, Select elements or Polyline.
  3. Select the nodes or elements or polyline to form the basis of the extrusion.
  4. Give the Extrude selection command.
  5. Specify the action to be taken in the Extrude dialog box.

Note: The generated nodes and elements may be bizarre if either coincident nodes are collapsed during the operation and the coincidence tolerance is too coarse or if the extrusion is based on a set of nodes that cannot be ordered sensibly along a line.