# Move entities / copy entities

This dialog box is presented in several guises depending on the context in which it is opened; it is used to move or copy nodes, elements or members.

The entities that are to be moved or copied must be selected prior to opening this dialog box.

In describing the operation of the move or copy, below, the term subject node is used. When moving nodes the subject nodes are the selected nodes. When moving other entities the subject nodes are the nodes attached to the selected entities. When copying nodes the initial set of subject nodes is the selected nodes; when making multiple copies subject nodes of subsequent sets is the previous copy set. When copying, say, elements the initial set of subject nodes is the nodes attached to selected elements, etc.

Open this dialog box by giving the Sculpt > Move selection menu command or the Sculpt > Copy selection menu command when the current view is a Graphic view.

# Axes

Opens the Axes dialog box. The move or copy performs coordinate transformations with respect to the current axes. Axes default to the axis set defined for the current grid (not adjusted by the grid plane elevation).

The move or copy may be specified in one of the following ways:

  • Shift – The specified coordinates are transformed from the definition axis set to global. The shift by coordinates are added to the respective coordinates of the subject nodes; the shift to coordinates overwrite the respective coordinates of the subject nodes.

Shift to is only available when moving, not copying. Shift to x, y, and z (all three) is only available when moving nodes.

The default shift by vector is the vector from 1st current polyline point to the 2nd point, if specified.

The default shift to coordinates are the coordinates of the first selected entity.

  • Rotate – The coordinates of the subject nodes are rotated about the specified axis of the definition axes by the specified number of degrees. A positive rotation is as defined by the right hand screw rule.
  • Reflect – The coordinates of the subject nodes are reflected through the specified plane of the definition axes.

# Number of copies

Specifies the number of copies to be made. This is disabled when moving entities or when copying by reflecting.

# Node number increment

When checked, the new node numbers are the subject node number plus the specified increment. Otherwise new nodes are appended to the nodes module with no attempt to form a constant increment. This is disabled when moving nodes or elements.

# Entity number increment

When checked, the new element or member numbers are the subject entity number plus the specified increment. Otherwise new entities are appended to the respective module with no attempt to form a constant increment. This is disabled when moving entities or copying nodes.

# Coincident nodes: Use existing nodes where present

When checked, wherever a new node is required during the execution of this operation the program searches existing nodes for one that lies within the coincidence tolerance of the required position. Of the nodes found within the tolerance the closest is used instead of creating a new node; the restraint condition of the existing node is retained. Otherwise new nodes are always created.

# Copy references

When checked, where copied nodes/elements are referred to in data modules references to the new nodes/elements are added.

The references are copied in the Lists module first, if 'in lists' is checked, and are not repeated in subsequent modules if the copy has been done in the Lists module to a list that is referred to in the subsequent module. However, in the case where 'in lists' is not checked and, say, in loading is checked and a load is applied by reference to a list in the Lists module then the load will be copied by appending to the list field in the loading module.

Where both nodes in a joint are copied, the joint is also copied.

Where at least two nodes in a rigid constraint are copied a new rigid constraint is created for the new nodes.

Node references in generalised restraints are not copied.

This option is disabled when moving nodes or elements.

# Preview

Display the consequences of this operation in the current Graphic view without committing to applying the operation. Exiting this dialog box by Cancel will undo the preview.

Further options for moving and copying can be in found in Moving and copying entities graphically and Definition axes