# Creating user axes graphically

New axes can be created or existing axes overwritten using the Sculpt > create user axes menu command. Two methods are available, as follows:

# Create user axes from selected points

Before giving the command two nodes or grid points must have been selected (or three for Space structures). These will be used to define the required axis set. Selected items will be used to define:

  • The origin of the axis set.
  • The x axis vector.
  • The xy vector. (This is only required for space structure types.)

Giving the Create user axes command displays the Create user axes dialog box in which the number, name and type of the axis set are specified and the nodes or grid points defining the origin, x axis and xy vector are identified. The user axis set is then created.

# Create user axes from selected elements

Select one or more elements before giving the command. New user axis sets will be created based on the element axes and the position of the first node of each of the selected elements.