# Labels and display methods : Elements / members

The Elements / members page of the Labels and display methods dialog box is where various types of element related labels may be switched on for display in the current Graphic view.

Element label options are as follows.

  • Element IDs
  • Property IDs – labelled in the format pb (etc. depending on element type) followed by the number
  • Pool IDs – labelled in the format p followed by the number
  • Group numbers – labelled in the format g followed by the number
  • Analysis material IDs – labelled with the material name; analysis material names are preceded by m followed by the number
  • Material grade IDs – labelled with the grade name; grade names are preceded by st, c, a, g, frp, r or t followed by the number
  • Section descriptions – beam section descriptions are labelled for all beams and bars, etc.
  • Section shapes – outlines of cross-sections are drawn for all beams and bars, etc.
  • Orientation node dots – node dots are drawn at all nodes that are referenced as orientation nodes by the currently displayed elements
  • Orientation nodes – labelled in the format n followed by the number
  • Orientation angle (total) – the angles are labelled in the format o followed by the angle in degrees; the angle is the orientation angle required to achieve the orientation without the influence of an orientation node or property axis set
  • Element edges – an arrow aligned with edge one is drawn from the first node to the second node of each 2D element
  • Initial stage IDs – labelled in the format s followed by the number of the first analysis stage in which the element appears
  • Element lengths – labelled for 1D elements only
  • Element releases – lines are drawn for each release to represent the release axis at the position the release is specified
  • Member restraints – drawn with a symbol which is a stylized representation of the restraint
  • Element x axis – arrow-heads pointing in the direction of the element x direction are drawn at the centre of each element
  • Element axes – axes triads representing the element axes are drawn at the centre of each element
  • Principal axes – axes triads representing the element principal axes are drawn at the centre of each element for which the principal axes are not aligned with the element axes
  • Load panels – on 2D load elements the reference edge is identified and lines are drawn to indicate the load pattern

# 2D member reinforcement

This allows the displace of reinforcement resulting from Concrete 2D member design.

Data IDs, such as property references, may be labelled either by number, by name or by name and number. If no name is given then the reference is by number, regardless of this setting.

The Apply to group of options determines which elements in the current Graphic View are to have the element labels applied. They are as follows:

  • Apply to, all
  • Apply to, selection – the labels are to be applied to the currently selected elements; this is only enabled when the cursor mode is Select elements and some elements are selected
  • Apply to, current set – the labels are to be applied to the same set of elements to which labels are currently applied, regardless of the current cursor mode and selection set; this is only enabled when element labels were previously applied to a selection set

# Reset page

Resets the label settings on this page to the default view settings.

# Apply

Applies the current settings to the image without exiting the dialog box.

See also: Graphic settings dialog box