# Splitting 1D elements

1D elements can be split using the Sculpt > 1D element operations > Split 1D elements menu command.

The option is given to split loads and replace references to original elements with references to new elements. Note that the splitting of loads does not occur where a load is applied to an element because that element is included in a saved list or grid plane that is referred to by the loading record rather than being referred to directly in the loading record list. In this circumstance references to the old element in the saved list or grid plane are replaced by references to the new split elements.

Example: Element 12 has a linearly varying load applied to it and is split. If the element list for the beam load record is 12 then that load will be split correctly, whereas if the element list is #1 and element 12 is included in saved list 1 then that load will not be split. However, in list 1 reference to element 12 will be replaced by the numbers of the new split elements, resulting in a saw-tooth load pattern along the new elements.

A warning is given when this circumstance arises (though it’s always worth checking). The Delete displayed loading command may be helpful when rectifying such problems.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. Set the cursor mode to Select elements.
  2. Select the elements to be split. Elements that are not 1D will be ignored by this operation.
  3. Give the Split 1D elements command.
  4. Specify how the elements are to be split in the Split 1D elements dialog box.