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GSA-Grasshopper release notes

Build 1.4.0

July 2024

GSA-Grasshopper 1.4.0 allow adding static P-delta analysis task and includes smaller bugfixes.


  • Analysis Task A static P-delta analysis task can be created through the analysis task component.
  • Result Diagram The result diagram component can now plot displacement diagrams in Rhino.
  • Model Geometry The Get Model Geometry component is now able to display the assembly geometry in Rhino.
  • It is now possible to open existing GSA models having polylines referenced in grid area loads. GSA-GH will identify loads applied via polylines, and the polylines will be available when the model is reopened in GSA


  • The preview of 3D-deformed sections is corrected for imperial units.

Build 1.3.0

April 2024

GSA-Grasshopper 1.3.0 introduces results for Steel Utilisations and Assemblies.



  • Issue when creating elements from members with certain model geometry and coincident nodes
  • Create Model check box expires downstream script.
  • Default analysis tasks contain correct load case names.
  • Search in Create Profile component returns expected results.
  • Viewing results in a model with dummy elements
  • Output names of Get Model Loads component are correct.
  • Existing grid planes show at the correct elevation.
  • Contour 1D Result component uses correct element/member ID.
  • 1D member loading using lists correctly.
  • Issue with case filter list for Load Diagrams component

Build 1.2.0

February 2024

GSA-Grasshopper 1.2.0 introduces Steel design, Assemblies and includes smaller bugfixes.



Build 1.1.0

December 2023

GSA-Grasshopper 1.1.0 introduces spring properties and includes refactored results with speed improvements and the ability to get Max/Min.



  • Contour 1D results for a Combination Case of 1D Element Displacements are previously wrongly displayed in local axis, corrected to be transformed to global axis.
  • Select Result component Issue of crashing when toggling between Analysis and Combination Case with a CaseID that does not exist has been solved.
  • Edit 2D Element's topology output returns the entire list of node IDs instead of only the first two.

Build 1.0.0

October 2023

Official release of GSA-Grasshopper plugin following an extended period of beta testing.


The GSA plugin enables computational design and automated workflows for structural engineers, utilising the powerful geometry engine in Rhino and the low-entry, visual scripting of Grasshopper.

Run GSA headless through the .NET API

  • Run GSA.Inside.Grasshopper - and potentially extended to any program that can run Rhino.Inside.
  • Fast and responsive, utilising the speed of GSA's solver for real-time feedback.
  • No more interoperability; you are literally running GSA inside Rhino's process.

Work with existing files

  • Not all team members required to know how to use Grasshopper.
  • Share GSA files (.gwb) created parametrically in Grasshopper with colleagues for checking or further work.
  • Open existing GSA files (.gwb) inside Grasshopper.

Native Rhino/Grasshopper Geometry support

  • Use all built-in Grasshopper components for geometry transformations, including: move, mirror, morph, array, twist, offset, etc.
  • GSA-Grasshopper's custom parameters will convert (or cast) automatically to or from native Grasshopper parameters.
  • It is possible to "Bake" all GSA-Grasshopper parameters into Rhino
  • Additionally, you can preview 3D sections, applied loads and result diagrams from GSA inside Rhino.


  • Utilise GSA's powerful meshing capabilities inside Grasshopper; GSA-Grasshopper uses one of the fastest and most robust FE meshing algorithms on the market.
  • Create your geometry using Members and let GSA manage intersections and the creation of the analytical model.

3D Sections

  • Preview 3D sections of the GSA model inside Rhino


  • Visualise results within Rhino/Grasshopper to check your design, or use it to automate your engineering workflow.
  • Use GSA's powerful post-processing tools to create and retrieve results for load combinations.
  • Load and result diagrams and their values can be displayed and annotated directly in Rhino's viewport.

Easy handling of units

  • All components and parameters are underpinned by units.
  • Convert to and from any relevant engineering units.
  • Based on opensource UnitsNet, and extended with engineering units by Oasys.


  • All reported and known issues from the beta testing period have been resolved.


  • The plugin is distributed through Rhino Package Manager.
  • Rhino 6.27 or later is supported.
  • GSA-Grasshopper requires GSA 10.2 to run.